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Knowledge area
Regional Geographical Analysis
Geography, Prehistory and Archeology
Faculty of Arts
Electronic mail

Juan Cruz Alberdi Collantes

Category: University Professor

Doctor / Doctor in Geography

Department: Geography, Prehistory and Archeology

Center: Faculty of Letters

Email: juancruz.alberdi@ehu.eus

Telephone: 945014317

Graduated in 1991 in Geography from the University of Zaragoza, defends his doctorate at the University of the Basque Country in 2001. Since his degree his professional and research activity is linked to his participation in the different rural development programs that are being developed in the Basque Country, an activity that combines with the teaching and the publication of the results obtained in his professional career. Its main contribution lies in the type of geography it carries out, that is, a participatory geography applied to projects that are materializing and in whose execution it takes part. His research area is the planning and development of rural areas and he actively collaborates in the direction of the rural development plan of the districts of San SebastiƔn and Bidasoa. This gives the option of being able to observe and apply the results of their research in the territory, especially applied action proposals (valuation protocols, applicability of landscape analysis in the urban planning of a municipality, methodological proposals to boost rural development, measurement of the opinion of the society on its rural environment ...) and analysis and reflections of the incidence that concrete phenomena are having on rural dynamics.

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