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Knowledge area
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering - Bilbao
Electronic mail

Itziar Martija López is an Industrial Engineer, and a Doctor in Industrial Engineering. She is part of the Mechanical Engineering department in the Faculty of Engineering in Bilbao as a full time teacher since 1993, having reached the category of Associate Professor in 2008.

In the last few years she has been part of the teams of the following courses: Applied Mechanics and Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines, both of them from the Degree in Mechanical Engineering. She has also served as guide in multiple Final Career Projects.

The areas of interest in which she works nowadays are Virtual and Remote Laboratories applied to Superior Education and Education in Engineering, collaborating with teachers from areas such as Renewable Energies and Control of Electric Machines.

She now is Vicedean in the Faculty of Engineering in Bilbao.

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