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Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology
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Marta Luxán Serrano. Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology (1993, UPV/EHU) and a Doctorate in Demography (2000, Autonomous University of Barcelona, UAB). Between 1993 and 2000, she was associated with the Centre d’Estudis Demogràfis (UAB) via different grants and contracts. In 2001, she returned, with a postdoctoral grant, to the UPV/EHU where she has worked ever since. Currently, she is an assistant lecturer in the Sociology and Social Work.

As regards her research fields, as well as demographic issues and those related to families, she has specialised in the methodology of feminist research (she has been a member of the SIMReF since 2008) and she also analyses several topics linked to social movements. Nowadays she is working in two research projects: Dislocando las fronteras del conocimiento, el género y el parentesco. La amistad como política y redefinición de los afectos y la reciprocidad (ADISKIDE, PID2022-137967NB-I00) y La reorganización social del cuidado en pandemia: bienestar, comunidad y género (PID2020-118801RB-I00).

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9052-9204

Inguma https://www.inguma.eus/egilea/ikusi/marta-luxan-serrano

Dialnet https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/autor?codigo=124611

Ekoizpen zientifikoa (UPV/EHU) https://ekoizpen-zientifikoa.ehu.eus/investigadores/128332/detalle

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