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Knowledge area
Logic and Philosophy of Science
Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology
Electronic mail

1.Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science

2. Teaching in:

-the Degree in Philosophy and the degree in Social Antropology: Introduction to Philosophy (I,II) and

Philosophy of Science (I)

-the international master “Filosofía, Ciencia y Valores”

3. He is interesten in:

(i) Hiustory and Philosophy of Logic, (ii) Philosophy of Language and Mind, (iii) Sentimentalsm on values (Hume's view, specially) (iv) Basic Philosophy or Introduction to Philosophy

4. Last publications (some of them):

- (2010), Lowe on Locke’s and Frege’s conception of number. Organon F, 17(1), 39-52

-with Fernando Migura (2011), Internalism. Fatalism. Ambos In Bruce, M. & Barbone, S. (2011), Just the Arguments. Wiley-Balckwell.

- (2013), Kultura eta natura, zein baino zein. Jakin, 196, 11-31.

- with Agustín Vicente (2013), El pluralismo moral de David Hume. Crítica, 45(134), 17-42.

- (2013), Arimak eta balioak. Jakin irakurgaiak.

- (2014), Crítica literaria y argumentación. In Carrascal, B. (bil.) (2014), Argumentación y prensa. EHU argitalpen zerbitzua.

- (2016), Hume sobre los valores estéticos. Hacia una interpretación objetivista. Ágora. Papeles de filosofía.

- with Agustín Vicente (2016), Moral ambivalence, relativism, and pluralism.Acta Analytica.

- (2016), Filosofiarako sarrera bat. EHU argitalpen zerbitzua

-(2017), Zientziaren argi-itzalak. UEU

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