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Knowledge area
Nutrition and Bromatology
Farmacia y Ciencia de los Alimentos
Faculty of Pharmacy
Electronic mail

Doctor in Pharmacy and University Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmacy and Food Sciences of the UPV/EHU.

As RESEARCHER, she started its career working on two research lines related to energy homeostasis regulation. The first one focusses in the neurochemical regulation of appetite and the second one studies functional ingredients with possible application in the regulation of body weight. In this field, it must be highlighted the research internship performed in the Centre for Nutritional Genomics, Neuroendocrine & Obesity Unit from Liverpool. Currently, she is member of the GLUTENSSS consolidated research group, whose main lines are the determination of gluten content in foods, the evaluation of gluten free diet of celiac people, as well as nutritional education of the population through the transference of scientific knowledge.

As far as its TEACHING ACTIVITY is concerned, she teaches in "Human Nutrition and Dietetics" degree and "Nutrition and Health" and "Healthy Aging and Quality of Life" masters of the UPV/EHU, as well as in the master "Quality, Development and Innovation of Food" offered by the University of Valladolid. She implements active teaching methodologies in her subjects, takes part in Educational Innovation projects and coordinates the ZEHARGAITUZ team, accredited as an IKD structured teaching team in the UPV/EHU.

With regard to ACADEMIC MANAGEMENT, she is Director of Basque, Multilingualism and Students in the Alava vice-rectorate of the UPV/

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