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History of Thought and Social Movements
Faculty of Social and Communication Sciences
Electronic mail

Bilingual Associate Professor (Basque/Spanish) of the History of Political Thought.

Graduate in History from Deusto University (Bilbao) in 1994 and since 2003 Doctor of Sociology and Political Science (major in Politics) at the University of the Basque Country with the thesis “The Regenerationism of 1898: historiography and Spanish nationalism”.

He has participated since its inception in 2004 in the international conceptual history research project Iberconceptos, directed by Javier Fernández Sebastián. Author of academic articles on historiography, conceptual history and history of nationalism. He wrote the preface to the book Oi Europa!, by Jon Sudupe Martija, which won the Euskadi Prize for an essay in Basque in 2013.

Speaker at Conferences organised by international and national institutions, including the Menéndez Pelayo International University in Santander, the Spanish Association of Political Science and Public Administration, Basque Association of Sociology and Political Science and the Sociedad “El Sitio” in Bilbao.

Books: La identidad maketa (2006), Perdí la identidad que nunca tuve: el relato del País Vasco de Raúl Guerra Garrido (2010), Historia y nación. Costa y el regeneracionismo en el fin de siglo (2013) and Nobleza con libertad. Biografía de la derecha vasca (2015).

Regular columnist for the newspapers El Correo and El Diario Vasco, and for the digital newspaper El Español and collaborator with EiTB.

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