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History of America
Faculty of Arts
Electronic mail

Graduate in Philosophy and Letters (History) from the University of Granada (1976) and Ph.D. in Geography and History from the University of Seville (1993). Professor of American History at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Responsible for the Master Europa y el Mundo Atlántico: poder, cultura y sociedad (2013-2018), member of the Academic Commission of the Doctorate of the same name and of the Academic Commission of the Faculty of Letters (UPV/EHU). He directs the series “Historia Medieval y Moderna” of the UPV/EHU editorial. He carried out research stays at Cambridge and Carolina University in Prague. Visiting professor at the universities of Piura (Peru), La Sabana (Colombia), Montevideo and Los Andes (Chile).

In the History Degree he teaches Contemporary History of Ibero-America and History of the United States. He has directed 18 Doctoral Theses and 25 Master Tesis. He has participated in 13 competitive research projects. Member of the Basque Government Research Group “País Vasco, Europa y América: vínculos y relaciones atlánticas”. He has 4 six-year terms recognised by the CNEAI. His research deals with the history of Cuba (18th-19th centuries), Ibero-American independence and Basque and Navarrese emigration to America. Coordinator and author of the manual Historia de América, Ariel (2nd ed. 2012), he is author or co-author of 7 books, 26 articles and 50 book chapters, as well as 40 contributions in national and international congr

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