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Knowledge area
Ancient History
Classical Studies
Faculty of Arts
Electronic mail

Graduate in Geography and History and PhD in History from the University of Zaragoza, a lecturer in Ancient History at the UPV/EHU since the 1979/80 academic year. Research stays in Berlin, Rome, London and Oxford. He has six six-year research fellowships. Teaching experience (undergraduate and graduate) on Ancient History, History of Rome and Classical Receptions in the Modern World.

Since 2012 Principal Investigator of the ANIHO project (Antiquity, nationalisms and complex identities in Western historiography, https://aniho.hypotheses.org). Member of the international project IMAGINES (www.imagines-project.org) and LIBERA RES PUBLICA, a network of Spanish historians on the Roman Republic. Two main lines of research: the late Roman Republic (2022, "From patronage to violence and bribery: towards a new political culture", in V. Arena & J. Prag (eds.), A Companion to Roman Political Culture, Wiley-Blackwell, 408-421) and, on the other hand, Classical Receptions Studies, in particular modern historiography on the ancient world and the relations between classicism and fascism (with Ch. Núñez and G. Reimond (eds.), Pasión por la Historia Antigua: de Gibbon a nuestros días, Pamplona, Urgoiti, 2021; with J. Pérez Mostazo (eds.), Recepciones de la antigüedad vascona y aquitana. De la historiografía a las redes sociales (siglos XV-XXI), Anejos de Veleia, 2022.

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