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Study load
Compulsory subjectsOptional subjectsFinal Master's dissertationTotal
16   ECTS   credits28   ECTS   credits16   ECTS   credits60   ECTS   credits

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  • Energy Efficiency in Industry and Transport ( Credits : 28 ECTS )
  • Energy Efficiency in Building and Urban Development ( Credits : 28 ECTS )

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Final Master's dissertation

Final Master's dissertation
SubjectLanguages ECTS   CreditsSpecialities / SyllabusTeaching BaseMode
Master Thesis16 --

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This master's degree consists of 60 ECTS, divided into three teaching blocks: compulsory block (16 ECTS), specialty block (28 ECTS) and Master's final project block, MFP, (16 ECTS). The attendance is obligatory.The compulsory block is in the first quarter of the curs, 8 weeks, from 4th October to 26th November in the Engineering Faculty of Bilbao and it includes basic subjects. In the specialty block the student must choose one of the two specialties, "Industry and Transport", in the Engineering Faculty of Bilbao, or "Building and Urban Development", in Architecture Faculty of Donostia. This block is made during the second quarter, 14 weeks, from 13th December to 1st April. The MFP block consists of an investigative work of 17 ECTS. These MFP takes place under supervision of the relevant manager during the third quarter of the course, from April to June and it has two phase, a previous bibliographic research work and the own MFP. During the three quarters of the course different academic introduction to the use of research tools will be developed, therefore, students must submit, within this chapter, another little research work. The classes in the Engineering Faculty of Bilbao are distributed from Monday through Thursday from 16:00 hours to 21:00 hours and the classes in the Architecture Faculty of Donostia are distributed from Monday through Friday from 15:00 hours to 20:00 hours.


The subjects are evaluated independently, subject's teacher is who decides how to evaluate the subject, at the beginning of the trimester. Each student must pass all the credits in order to get the grade.


Master's Degree Final Project

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