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Knowledge area
Architectural Construction
School of Architecture
Electronic mail

Associate Professor. PhD Architect (2011, UPV/EHU), Master in Sustainable Construction and Energy Efficiency (2009, UPV/EHU), Master in Architectural Design (2007, UNAV), Architect (2004, UPV/EHU). She has been awarded with the FPI predoctoral scholarship of the Mystery of Education and Science, 2007-2011, the scholarship for the realization of post-graduate studies of La Caixa (2005-2007) and the Erasmus scholarship for studies at the Universität Stuttgart in Germany (2000-2001).

Since 2006 she is a professor at the ETS Architecture of the UPV/EHU, in the area of architectural constructions. She is accredited as a Full Professor and has a recognized six-year period of research. She teaches the subjects Construction 3 and 4, dedicated to industrialized construction, in the Degree of Architecture. In addition, she teaches Tools for Environmental Design in the Master's Degree in Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in Industry, Transportation, Building and Urban Planning.

The research lines in which she works are dedicated to energy efficiency and sustainability in the built environment. Among its most important publications are: - Retrofit strategies towards Net Zero Energy Educational Buildings: A case study at the University of the Basque Country (Energy and Buildings), Energy Performance of Buildings. Energy Efficiency and Built Environment in Temperate Climates (Springer), The Ekihouse: an energy self-sufficient house based on passive design strategies (Energy and Buildi

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