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Knowledge area
Thermal Motors and Machines
Faculty of Engineering - Bilbao
Electronic mail

Degree in Industrial Engineering (2005) and PhD in Thermal Engineering (2009), both at the Faculty of Engineering in Bilbao (UPV/EHU), where he works as teacher and researcher since 2009 in the Department of Thermal Engineering. Since 2017, he has held a position as Associate Professor and since 2019, he has the accreditation of Full Professor.

RESEARCH: The entire research career has been carried out within the ENEDI research group (ENergetics in EDIfication - consolidated group type A). During his training period, he worked as a technician in the LCCE of the Basque Government (2006/09). At international level, he has participated in the Annex58 of the IEA, in the European project A2PBEER and has made a postdoctoral stay in the UTN-FRD (Argentina). At a national level, point out that he has been the Main Researcher of the ekimProVe project in the “Retos” call, as well as in several contracts with companies. He has co-directed 4 theses, published 25 articles (15 in Q1; h-index 10), 3 book chapters, more than 30 conference papers and participated in more than 25 research projects.

TEACHING: He has taught at degree level (70%) and Master’s level (30%). In the Docentiaz programme, where teaching activity is evaluated, he has obtained excellent qualification (2010/15). He is the coordinator of Thermotechnics at subject level (10 groups) and course level (in 3 different grades). He has directed 34 Final Degree Projects and 22 Master’s Thesis.

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