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Knowledge area
Cartographic Engineering, Geodesics and Photogrammetry
Mining and Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science
Faculty of Engineering - Vitoria-Gasteiz
Electronic mail

Aitor Bastarrika Izagirre achieved a bachelor degree in Surveying Engeenering (UPV/EHU, 1998) and Geodesy and Cartography Engineering (University of Alcala, 2000), getting the PhD at the same University (2009), int the ‘Cartography, GIS and Remote Sensing Program’

He has extensive teaching experience (14 years), specialized in subjects such as 'Topographic Methods', 'Construction Topography', 'Remote Sensing', 'Geographic Information Systems' at the Surveying Engineering degree, as well as 'Geographic Information Systems' in the Environmental Sciences Degree. He also collaborates in the Master of Biodiversity, Ecosystem Functioning and Management teaching part of the 'Cartography, GIS and Remote Sensing' subject and recently collaborates in the Research in Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in Industry, Transport, Construction and Town Planning Master in the 'Tools for environmental design' topic. He has directed several Final Degree Projects and Master's Thesis, and is co-director of two doctoral theses.

His research is focused on extracting information using remote sensing data, specially applied to forest fires. He has developed several methods to automate burned area mapping, and today is exploiting time series data using Google Earth Engine.

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