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Knowledge area
Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business
Faculty of Economics and Business
Electronic mail

Mathematics degree in 1988 and PhD. thesis in Mathematics in 1993, both at the UPV/EHU. Currently, she works as full professor in the Quantitative Methods Dept. and teaches at under-graduate and graduate level in the Faculty of Economics and Business of the UPV/EHU. Her teaching concerns Probability, Statistics, Optimization and Computation or Numerical Methods and she has supervised 4 master theses and 3 PhD. theses, one with international mention. She has got positive evaluation of 6 five-year teaching and 2 positive evaluations (the second one, excellent) of the Docentia Program.

Her research focuses on Modeling and Mathematical Optimization Problems and on the development of algorithmic methodologies for their solution. She has worked on applications such as Finance, Production Planning, Supply Chain, Energy, Logistics and Distribution, among others.

Coauthor of more than 40 contributions in indexed journals and other so many scientific documents, she has got the positive evaluation of 5 six-year research.

Lately, she collaborates in woks facing the stochastic extension for cross-docking design and management problem, the feeder mapping in distribution networks from load measurements and, the volumen estimation and the counting of objects in a 3D space from pixelated planar sections.

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