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Knowledge area
Constitutional Law
Faculty of Social and Communication Sciences
Electronic mail

Degree in Law (1983) University of Deusto. Diploma in European Studies (1984) European Institute of the Saar University (Germany). PhD. in Law (1989) European University Institute, Florence (Italy).

Since 1991 taughts at the University of the Basque Country. Late years in basque on constitutional and European law, doble degree in law and business administration at Sarriko.

Former Civil Servant of the European Commission in Brussels (1988-90) and former coordinator of the socio-political department. European Studies Institute. University of Deusto.

Published several books and dozen of articles on constitutional and European issues. Has given lectures, conferences and seminars at various universities: Amsterdam (Holland); Bahia Blanca, di Tella, U.Buenos Aires (Argentina); Palermo, Catania (Sicily); u. Barcelona (Catalonia); Abbo Akademie (Finland), UCL (UK).

Regular colaboration in press with more than a hundred articles on constitutional and european questions. Member of the Consultory Board of the review of the IVAP. Eurobasque Prize (2017).

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