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Knowledge area
State Ecclesiastical Law
Faculty of Law
Electronic mail

Degree in Law (1976), doctorate in Law (1986), extraordinary doctorate prize (1987) at the University of Valladolid. Full Professor (1992) at the UPV/EHU. Department Director (1991-1992; 1995-2002; 2006-2010; 2014-2019); member of the Research Commission (2006-2009). OCSE member in Italy by Decree Direttoriale n. 236 of 11 February 2013, to take part in the Commissione per l'Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale nel Settore Concorsuale 12/C2-DIRITTO ECCLESIASTICO E CANONICO (2013-2015). Appointed by the Ministry of Justice as a member of the Advisory Commission on Religious Liberty as a person of recognized competence (2019-2022).

She has directed 5 doctoral theses, two of them with a prize (Extraordinary Doctorate Prize and Research Prize in Bioethics from the Grifols i Lucas Foundation). Invited as Visiting Professor by the Faculty of Law of the University of Bologna (Italy)(2012).

She has been Principal Investigator (IP) in 7 projects (4 I+D (2006-2009; 2010-2012; 2014-2016; 2017-2019) and 3 UPV/EHU); she has been IP of 2 consolidated research groups of the University System of the Basque Country, (2007-2009 and 2010-2013); has participates in 2 (2013-2015; 2019-2021).

Author of 80 publications. She has 5 sexennia of recognized by the CNAI. Her lines of research are: Freedom of conscience and conscientious objection, places of worship, secularism, religious minorities, management of religious diversity, law and interculturality.

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