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Knowledge area
Administrative Law
Administrative Law, Constitutional Law and Philosophy of Law
Faculty of Economics and Business
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José Ignacio Cubero Marcos is a lecturer in the University of the Basque Country. He is doctor of law at the same university and he has taught in different fields of the Administrative law, related to the fundamental rights and the general and specific part of the Administrative Law. Moreover, he has given classes in the master of fundamental rights and public authorities and human resources and employment management since 2009 at the University of the Basque Country. His lines of researching are focused on the fundamental rights and their recognition and exercising in the field of the public administration, as well as the activity of the public administration, the environmental Law and the economic administrative Law. He has published more tan seventy works. Between these there are four books on the interconnection of telecommunications networks (IVAP 2008); the non bis in idem principle (IVAP, 2010), The previous communication, the affidavit ant the administrative procedure (Aranzadi, 2013) and the administrative notifications (IVAP, 2017). He has lead, as principal investigator, a highly competitive Project, granted by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (2015-2018), about the municipal ordinances regulating the public space, from which he has directed a collective book (IVAP, 2018). He has achieved two six-years of research periods, granted by the CNEAI