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  • To develop skills and aptitudes for the choosing of the correct strategy for defending the rights of the clients, taking into account the requirements of the different fields of professional practice.
  • To know how to carry out professional work in specific and interdisciplinary teams.
  • To know how to develop interpersonal skills and aptitudes to facilitate the exercise of the legal practice in relations with citizens, other professionals and institutions.
  • To know how to develop skills allowing lawyers to improve their work efficiency and enhance the overall functioning of the team or institution they carry it out in, by means of access to sources of information, knowledge of languages, knowledge management and the handling of applied techniques and tools.
  • To know how to identify conflicts of interest and learn the techniques for their resolution, establish the scope of professional secrecy and confidentiality and preserve independent judgement.
  • To know how to identify the service and organization requirements which determine the provision of legal advice.
  • To know how to organize and plan the individual and collective resources available for exercising the legal practice in its different organizational modalities.
  • To learn how to explain events in an oral and written manner and argumentally extract legal consequences, bearing in mind the context and the person to which they are addressed, in accordance, when appropriate, with the modalities of each procedural field.
  • To possess, understand and develop skills which permit the application the specialized academic knowledge acquired in the degree to the changing reality which lawyers face, in order to avoid situations of injury, risk or conflict with regard to the entrusted interests or their professional practice before courts or public authorities and in advisory functions.
  • To understand and be able to apply in practice the organizational, management and commercial environment of the legal practice, as well as its associative, fiscal and labour juridical framework and the protection of data of a personal nature.
  • To understand and be able to apply the ethical and professional rights and duties in the relationships between the lawyer and clients, the other parties, the court or public authority and between lawyers.
  • To understand and be able to integrate the defence of the rights of the clients into national and international systems of judicial protection.
  • To understand and evaluate the different responsibilities related to the exercise of the professional activity, including the basic functioning of free legal aid and the promotion of the social responsibility of the lawyer.
  • To understand the different techniques for the compositions of interest and know how to find solutions to problems by means of alternative methods to the courts.
  • To understand the techniques designed to find out and establish the facts in the different kinds of procedures, especially the production of documents, interviews and expert evidence.

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