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Employment and Social Security Law
Faculty of Law
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Dr. Juan Pablo LANDA ZAPIRAIN, born in Irún (Guipúzcoa , España),on August 28th 1953. Professor of Labor and Social Security Law and Chief of Corporation’s Law Department at the University of the Basque Country/Universidad del Pais Vasco (UPV).

Doctor of Law from the Law University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU in 1981, has lectured Labour Law, Social Security Law & European Social Law at this university during 35 years. Holds with frequency academical exchanges with the following universities: Pompeu Fabra, Autónoma de Barcelona, Sevilla, Valencia and Vigo, in Spain, Catania, Bolonia and Ferrara in Italy, Ingolstadt and Viadrina in Germany, Bordeaux IV and Lyon II in France, London, Hull and Warwick in the United Kingdom, York, Montreal and Toronto in Canada, Cornell and UCLA in the U.S..

In the past ten years he has lead six doctoral (PhD) thesis, among the different PhD programs of the Business Law Department, as well as a dozen investigation project on subjects concerning his specialization.

Author of various books and numerous articles on different subjects regarding his specialty, such as working relationships in public employment, the business restructuring, organization and functioning of the trade unions, employment policies and social security, the company’s social accountability, social law in the autonomous Spanish system, social European law.

Currently his research activity is focused on the review of the European Employment’s Strategy and