
Juan Iriberri
Overall, I am interested in knowing the composition, structure and functioning of the microbial communities in aquatic systems, with special emphasis on the marine environment. In particular, I have investigated the physiological behavior of free-living bacteria versus particle-attached bacteria, the composition of organic material in seawater and its consumption, the respiration and growth efficiency of the bacterial communities, the selective predation of protozoa on bacteria, and the interactions between bacteria and protozoa mediated by info chemicals. Although primarily I have used an experimental approach, I have also joined microbial oceanographic cruises in the Mediterranean Sea and Southern Ocean waters. Currently, I work in the identification of functional redundancy in coastal marine communities, and I am also participating in Malaspina-2010 circumnavigation expedition, in which we analyze extracellular enzyme activities in the Global Ocean (Atlantic, Indian and Pacific). I teach several courses on Microbiology in the Biology degree and two Masters of the UPV/EHU.
In addition to the above, when I have time, I love reading, hiking, shooting photos, enjoy my family and friends and, sometimes, just do nothing, or even thinking.
Contact: / 94 601 5511

Marian Unanue
I am interested in the study of the aquatic microbial ecology and particularly in the role of prokaryotes in the carbon cycle in the ocean. During my PhD (1993) I studied the abundance and activities of attached and free-living bacterial communities and its relationship with environmental factors in coastal and freshwater systems (Biscay, Spain). The importance of particles as hot spots in the processing of carbon in the ocean was also studied with laboratory made aggregates colonized by bacterial communities of the Cantabrian and Adriatic Sea, and in field work during some cruises in the Mediterranean Sea. I have participated in some projects focused on the grazing of bacteria by flagellates and mainly in the effect of the availability of C sources on the development of different grazing resistance mechanisms. During the last years my research have been focused to the analysis of the enantiomeric composition of amino acids in marine waters (Cantabrian Sea and Antarctic) and their relationship with the activity and composition of the prokaryotic community. Recently my research objectives are the analysis of the major bacterial hydrolytic activities and the specific composition and diversity of the bacterioplanktonic community in costal waters of the Eastern Cantabrian Sea.
I also enjoy everything that is alive, nature in general, I'm fond of gardening and I collaborate with an association of animal welfare.
Contact: / 94 601 2610

Begoña Ayo
I do research in the field of aquatic microbial ecology. I have focused on the structure and activity of the prokaryotic communities in aquatic systems, addressing the interactions between the bacterial communities and the dissolved and particulate organic matter, and the bacterioplankton growth efficiency. I am very interested in the relationships among different trophic levels in the microbial food web, specifically between protozoa and bacteria, and in particular, in the determination of the role of chemical cues generated by the bacterial prey under strong grazing pressure. On-going research studies the specific composition and diversity of the bacterioplanktonic community in costal waters of the Eastern Cantabrian Sea and the relevance of protistan grazing, compared to other environmental factors, as a significant driver of controlling core members of the community.
My non-scientific interests are very simple: I love staying with my husband and son, and I feel happy when I met my family and friends around a good meal.
Contact: / 94 601 5397

Itxaso Artolozaga
In recent years I have worked on the field of aquatic microbial ecology. My research has focused the microbial food web, the structure and activity of the bacterial community, the role of macroscopic organic aggregates in marine systems, the predator-prey interactions, and the role of protozooplankton as controller of bacterial biomass.I have carried out both field work and laboratory experiments, in which I use classical microbiological techniques (culture, microscopy, production, enzymatic and grazing quantifications,…) as well as analytical methods (ciytometry, HPLC, TOC analyzer, ….). Currently I have start working with molecular techniques (PCR, DGGE, and sequencing). I combine the research work with the development of my teaching activity: I teach various courses of the Biology Degree and a Microbiology Master of the UPV/EHU.
Outside of work, I love sea and beach, reading, hiking, wine, music and singing, and I enjoy spending time with my family and friends.
Contact: / 94 601 5406

Iñigo Azúa
My research focuses on the study of aquatic microbial ecology and particularly on the role of prokaryotes and protists in carbon and nitrogen cycle in the ocean. During my PhD (2005) I analyzed the prokaryotic decomposition of marine aggregates of organic nature, hot spots in the processing of matter and energy in marine environment. To do this I studied in attached and free-living prokaryotes primary hydrolytic attack, the incorporation of organic matter released and the production of new biomass. I have participated in some different projects focused on the role of prokaryotes and protozoa in the processing of organic matter through the microbial loop in the ocean looking for selective grazing of bacteria by flagellates and ciliates, the bacterial chemical cues generation and mainly in the effect of the availability of C sources on the development of different grazing resistance mechanisms. During the last years my research have been focused to the analysis of the enantiomeric composition of amino acids in marine waters (Cantabrian Sea and Antarctic) and their relationship with the activity and composition of the prokaryotic community, and to the study of the growth efficiency of bacterioplankton by measuring the production and respiration of this community. Recently my research objectives are:
- The analysis of the major bacterial hydrolytic activities in the Global Ocean (Circumnavigation Expedition Malaspina – 2010), its distribution from surface to deep waters, and their relationship to the available organic matter and the activity, diversity and composition of the bacterioplanktonic community.
- The specific composition and diversity of the bacterioplanktonic community in coastal waters of the Eastern Cantabrian Sea, the establishment of links between the taxonomic diversity and the physiological activity of the bacterioplankton and the relevance of protistan grazing, as a significant driver of controlling core members of the community.
I also like music in general and rock & roll in particular, animals, enjoy nature and friends, and bicycling. The most important thing that happened to me in this life is to have a cute little redhead who makes me laugh and enjoy life.
Contact: / 94 601 5408
PhD Students

Zuriñe Baña
Until now my research work has been focused on the field of aquatic microbial ecology. My first steps in research were studying protozoa-bacteria interactions in the microbial food web, analyzing the chemical cues generated by bacteria in situations of intense predation pressure. Throughout my PhD work, my scientific interest has focused on the activities of marine microbial communities, particularly in respiration, production and growth efficiency of bacterioplankton. Now I am also analyzing the changes in species composition and diversity of bacterioplankton and their relation to predation by bacterivorous protists.
Contact: / 94 601 5508

Ainhoa Uranga
My research relates to aquatic microbial ecology. It focuses on the study of the specific composition, relevant groups and diversity of the bacterial planktonic community in coastal waters of the Eastern Cantabrian Sea.
My non-scientific interests are quite simple: I love staying with my family and friends, going to have some drinks with them, watching a film, reading an interesting book...
Contact: / 94 601 5508

Naiara Abad
My research in the field of microbial ecology has focused on the analysis of interactions of communities of prokaryotic microorganisms in marine aquatic systems, as well as the characterization of the species composition and diversity of bacterioplankton in the coastal zone of the Cantabrian Sea. I am currently studying the seasonal variation of different enzyme activities in the coastal station Armintza (Vizcaya) in order to characterize the behavior of communities of prokaryotes in the hydrolysis of polymers and the environmental factors that regulate this process.
Contact: / 94 601 5508