Lascaray ikergunearen orri nagusia

At present

Scientific Sessions of Lascaray Research Center's Groups- "Oncologia Traslacional": Marta Sanchez-Carbayo, Ikerbasque Research Professor

"Translational approaches in bladder cancer: from -omic signatures to individual candidates".

First publication date: 10/03/2016

Oncologia Traslacional Research group is going to give a conference in Lascaray Center: "Translational approaches in bladder cancer: from -omic signatures to individual candidates", by Marta Sanchez-Carbayo, Ikerbasque Research Professor.





  • PLACE: Videoconference room
  • DATE: 16th of march
  • HOUR: 13:30-14:30
  • REGISTRATIONS: Send an email before 15th of march

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