LANLAW Research Group

Definition and objectives

Logo del grupo

LANLAW Research Group was created in 2015 with the general objective of addressing, from a labour law perspective, the transformations of Labour Law’s discipline in the context of economic globalisation, one of its main manifestations being the increase in the international mobility of workers. In this context, the Research Group focuses on certain groups of mobile workers per se, such as those working on different transport sectors.

The Group is composed of several Labour and Social Security Law lecturers ascribed to Business and Civil Law Department. They have very different specialisations and professional backgrounds, which means that in addition to the general objective set out above, the Group carries out general research and teaching activities related to this Law’s branch, as well as an extensive activity of transferring results to public and/or private institutions that require our knowledge.

Specific objectives

  • Objective 1: The study of global economic transformations and their impact on labour relations.
  • Objective 2: Analysis of the legal and labour problems of workers providing services in the different transport sectors: maritime-fishing, aeronautical, road and rail.
  • Objective 3: To operate as a reference Group in Labour Law and Social Security’s area both nationally and internationally, organising different training and study activities and assisting public and private institutions in our environment in all matters associated with this branch of law.
  • Objective 4: The training of new researchers in Labour and Social Security Law’s area.




30 septiembre y 1 octubre 2021, Centro Carlos Santa María, Campus Gipuzkoa UPV/EHU

First publication date: 03/05/2021

Congreso sobre Derecho Transnacional del Trabajo, Derechos Humanos y Multinacionales, organizada y financiada a cargo de varios proyectos de investigación, bajo la Dirección de Olga Fotinopulou Basurko, Mireia Llobera Vila, Nerea Magallón Elosegui y Dulce Cairós Barreto.

Inscripción gratuita.

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