inf_organos de gobierno

Governing Bodies

As a Teaching Centre, the Faculty is governed by the Faculty Board and the Dean.

The Faculty Board

According to Article 10 of the Regulations of Centres, BOPV of 4 January 2016, the Faculty Board is the ordinary governing body of the University Community at the Faculty. Its decisions are binding on all collegiate and single-person bodies and on everyone at the Centre.

It is composed of the Dean, as chair, the Academic Secretary, acting as secretary to the Board, the Vice-Deans, the Head of administration and 20 representatives, distributed over the 4 sectors of the University, i.e.

  • 60% Lecturers permanently associated with the University: 12 representatives.
  • 5% Other teaching and research staff, including non-Doctors: 1 representatives.
  • 25% Students: 5 representatives.
  • 10% Administrative and Services Staff: 2 representatives.

Its meetings are public and all attendees have the right to speak.

Dekanotza Taldea

Dekanoak (UPV/EHUko EEetako 203. artikulua) fakultatearen gobernu, ordezkaritza eta administraziorako organoa da. Ikastegiko Batzarrak hautatzen du eta Fakultatearen gobernurako bi Dekanordek eta idazkariak osaturiko taldearen laguntza du.

Dekanoa: Marian Iriarte Ormazabal

Akademi Antolakuntza Dekanordea: Gonzalo Guerrica-Echevarria Estanga

Nazioarteko Harremanetarako Dekanordea: Enrique Gómez Bengoa

Idazkaria: Miren Ostra Beldarrain