ITSAS-REM Research Group



The ITSAS-REM Research Group (IT1514-22) resulting from this proposal, aims to merge part of the components of the group IT1314-19 (including its Main Researcher) and IT1306-19 (also including its Main Researcher), considering the interaction between environment-energy supply through the implementation of renewable energies and, more specifically, renewable energies in the marine environment. This thematic has been structured in 2 fundamental research lines:


  • LINE 1: Floating wind energy
  • ​​​​​​LINE 2: Wave energy (waves and currents)​​​​​​​



This Research Group is the result of the evolution of the Research Group recognized by the Basque Government E-CLEDER (IT1314/19 - Minimización de los efectos del cambio climático en el edificio y su entorno: desde la eficiencia en el uso de la energía a la generación mediante fuentes renovables).