Víctor Amado

Name / Family name
Víctor Manuel AMADO CASTRO
Academic address
Department of Contemporary History, Faculty of Arts
University of the Basque Country
Paseo de la Universidad, 5
01006 Vitoria-Gasteiz (Alava, Basque Contry), SPAIN
Phone: 00 34 945 014 506
E-mail: victor.amado@ehu.eus
ORCID code: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0912-6905
Academic profile
Dr. Víctor Manuel Amado Castro (Vitoria-Gasteiz 1972). He is Associate Professor at Department of Contemporary History, Faculty of Social and Communication Sciences at University of the Basque Country. He is also an academic member of Valetín de Foronda Institute for Social History (University of the Basque Country), since 2004 he is an invited researcher at Political Science Department at Tel-Aviv University (TAU).
In 2009 Dr. Amado was accredited as an international voting observer by the Spanish Foreign Ministry. He has participated, as International electoral observer, in different elections with OSCE and EU: Ukraine (2010) Azerbaijan (2010), Peru (2011), Zambia (2011), Russia (2012), Pakistan (2013), Afghanistan (2014), Sri Lanka (2015) and Zambia (2016).
Research lines
- Middle East
- Israel
- History of European construction process
- History of International Relations
- Grade
- Current World History (Basque language)
- Issues on Contemporary History (Basque language)
- Contemporary History I (Spanish language)
- Introduction to the Contemporary world (English)
- School of experience
- History and Fashion (Spanish language)
Selected research publications
- La Internacional Socialista y el laborismo israelí ante el conflicto de Oriente Medio 1947-1983. Madrid, La Catarata, 2019.
Book Chapters
- “La hasbará o el intento de una estrategia de comunicación oficial del estado de Israel”, en Alfonso Iglesias Amorín, Lourenzo Fernández Prieto, Miguel Cabo y Justo Beramendi: Nuevos enfoques sobre procesos de nacionalización en la España contemporánea, Comares Historia, Granada 2019, pp 374-388.
- "Redimir la tierra: Origen, desarrollo e influencia del mesianismo político en Israel". Los caminos de la nación. Factores de nacionalización en la sociedad española contemporánea. Comares 2016
- "Egipto: de Mubarak a Sisi. Ejército y autoritarismo" La primavera árabe revisitada: retorno del autoritarismo, choque de islamismos. Thomson Reuters ARANZADI. Madrid 2015 (pp101-120)
- "De las milicias judías a una nación en armas. El proceso de creación de Las Fuerzas de Defensa de Israel como un elemento de nacionalización sionista". España Res Pública. Nacionalización española e identidades en conflicto. pp. 249 - 258. Comares Historia, 2013
- "Europa de Este: una perspectiva histórica" (pp 15-23). ("Eastern Europe: a historic perspective"). La Historia a través del cine: Europa del Este y la caída del muro. El franquismo. (The History through the cinema: Eastern Europe and the Fall of the Wall. The Franco period) edited by Santiago de Pablo and published by the UPV-EHU (Bilbao 2000).
- De Pablo Santiago. Savings Bank of Vitoria and Álava. Araba eta Gasteizko Aurrezki Kutxa. "Ciento cincuenta años en la historia de Alava (1850-2000). Vitoria 2000. "One hundred and fifty years of the Alava history")
- "Uno, dos, tres. Una visión de la guerra fría demasiado irónica para su tiempo" (pp 123-145). ("One, two, three. A too ironic vision of the cold war for its time"). De Pablo Santiago. La Historia a través del cine. La Unión Soviética. (The History through the cinema. The Soviet Union). Editorial service of the UPV/EHU and the Social History Institute Valentín de Foronda (Bilbao 2001)
- "Israel o la atomización de la política. De los acuerdos de Oslo hasta la actualidad". ("Israel or the atomization of the politics. From the Oslo agreements up to nowadays"). A chapter of the book Procesos electorales en el Mediterráneo (Voting Processes in the Mediterranean).
Indexed National Journals (ERIH, RESH, INRECS, MIAR)
- “La ley del perseguidor: Una introducción al terrorismo religioso judío”, Hispania Nova, 16, págs. 417-444, 2018. ISSN 1138-7319.
- "Lo inevitable sucedió. El laborismo israelí: la Internacional Socialista y el conflicto árabe-israelí". Segle XX. Revista catalana d'història, 8 (2015), 77-103.
- "El nuevo escenario político israelí" (The new Israel political scenario) . ARI. Electronic Magazine of the Royal Institute El Cano, Nº 55/2006.
- "Las consecuencias de la guerra contra Hezbolá en Israel" (The consequences of the war against Hezbollah in Israel). ARI. Electronic Magazine of the Royal Institute El Cano, Nº 104/2006.
- "Israel pendiente del Informe Winograd" (Israel waiting for the Winograd report). ARI. Electronic Magazine of the Royal Institute El Cano, Nº 73/2007.
- Para saber más. Libros. "La Vanguardia Dossier. Conflicto árabe Israelí" (To know more. Books. "The Vanguard Dossier. The Israel Arabic conflict"). Nº 25, October/Dicember 2007.
- "Los Kaczyński y su IV República: un balance" (The Kaczyński and their "IV Republic": an assessment ). ARI. Electronic Magazine of the Royal Institute El Cano, Nº 108/2007.
- "Israel: una perspectiva histórica" (Israel: a historic perspective). Historia contemporánea, ISSN 1130-2402, Nº 32, 2006, pp. 103-127
- "Israel y la guerra en Gaza" (Israel and the war in Gaza). Analysis of the Royal Institute El Cano (ARI), Nº. 16/2009.
- "Israel: una sociedad en tensión constante" (Israel: a society in constant tensión). Norba, nº 21, 2008, pp 139-156.
- "Ucrania tras las elecciones presidenciales de 2010" (Ukraine after the presidential elections of 2010). Analysis of the Royal Institute El Cano (ARI), Nº. 39, 2010
Edited Books
- (with Santiago de Pablo). Los Vascos y Europa (The Basques and Europe) Sancho El Sabio Foundation (Vitoria 2001). Euskal Herria en Europa: un reto apasionante (pp 17-41). (Basque Country in Europe: a passionate challenge).
Selected academic seminars and conference papers and lectures
- 2021, June. Conference: “Entre la identidad vacante, el retorno y la redención de la tierra prometida. La cuestión territorial en los proyectos sionistas”. Seminario Internacional: Reconquistas: la recuperación del territorio perdido y sus proyecciones historiográficas, 22-25 de junio de 2021. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Universidad de Huelva y Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
- 2021, February, Conference: "Relations between the EU and Saudi Arabia: a dialogue of the deaf or the primacy of mutual interests?", Table 7.1. The international dimension: theoretical approaches and the EU. International Congress: The arab springs ten years later. Social, political and economic challenges. Casa Árabe and UCM, February 10, 11 and 12, 2021.
- 2019, July, Conference: “Eu-Gulf cooperation council relations: a perspective of its evolution” in Working Group 6.2 “Endogenous and exogenous resistance to the processes of political change in the Maghreb and the Middle East”. Within the framework of the XIV Spanish Congress of Political Science and Administration. Salamanca, 10-12 July 2019
- 2018, April, Conference. “International situation after the Arab springs and future prospects at the II Seminar on Radical Islamism "New scenarios in Euskadi" held in Donostia / San Sebastián on April 16 and 17, 2018.
- 2016, November 28. SPEAKER at the seminar RELIGIOUS FUNDAMENTALISMS and POLITICAL VIOLENCE with a paper entitled The Persecutor's Law: An Introduction to Jewish Religious Terrorism within the framework of the V RELIGION AND SOCIETY ENCOUNTERS organized by the Valentin DE Foronda social history institute and the Contemporary History Master (UPV / EHU) held
- 2015, November 23. Conference with the title “DAESH: war or fight against a new type of terrorism "Casa de Cultura Ignacio Aldecoa programming of activities organized for the Classrooms of the Third Age.
- 2015, November 9. Conference with the title 'From Al Qaeda to ISIS: the new geopolitics of jihadism. ”Ignacio Aldecoa House of Culture programming of activities organized for the Classrooms of the Third Age.
- 2015, February 23. Monographic on "Introduction to the influence of the religious element in the Yugoslav conflicts" in the optional course Impact of religions in armed conflicts organized by the Delegation of University Pastoral and the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU).
- Secretary of the Second Conference of Experience Classroom College Campus Álava (UPV-EHU) One year of financial crisis and international economic analysis and prospects from February 8th to 11th of February of 2010.
- Secretary of the First Conference of Experience Classroom College Campus Álava (UPV-EHU) Should we fear climate change? 9 al 12 February 2009.
- December 2009, Invited to the International Seminar Seeking solutions to the israel-palestine conflict organized by the International Catalan Institute for Peace on November 30, 1 and 2.
- Speaker at the course "Politics and conflicts in the Mediterranean" organized by the CUIMPB - Centre Ernest Lluch, held in Barcelona on 21, 22 and October 23, 2009 under the title "the contradictions of the Israeli political system.
- April 2008, Lecturer with the speech called "israleí-Palestinian conflict does a peace impossible? The conference organized by the UNED from Vitoria, a peace that endures. Conflict in the Middle East and the Middle East.
- March 2008, Coordinator of Complementary Course Studies global reality: the Middle East. A global analysis. Organized by the Institute of Social History Valentin de Foronda.
- March 14, 2007. Participation as a lecturer in the course "Conflicts and convergences in the world today", organized by International Centre for Historical Studies Jaume Vicens Vives University of Barcelona. Seminar Title: Israel and the Middle East conflict.
- November 2006 coordinator of workshop called Álava in the context of trasneuorpean shares. Challenges for the future. Organized by the Provincial Council of Alava and the University Institute of Social History Valentin de Foronda.
- On 20th of January 2005. Participation as a lecturer in the 2004-2005 master on International Cooperation organized by the University Institute of Development and Cooperation of the Complutense University of Madrid. The title of the seminar: Geopolitics and Cooperation in Central and Southern Asia.
- On the 31st of March 2004. Participation as a lecturer in the course "Conflicts and common tendencies in the modern world" organized by the Center of International Historical Studies Jaume Vicens Vives of the Barcelona University. The title of the seminar: The Israel civil society.
- I participated as a lecturer in the master on International Cooperation in 2002- 2003 organized by the University Institute of Development and Cooperation of the Complutense University of Madrid. The title of the seminary: Central and Southern Asia Geopolitics.
- During the 2000/2001school year I was the director of the seminar Mass Media and new perspectives for a historian. Francisco Veiga professor at the UAB and Darío Valcarcel director of "The Foreign Policy" magazine took part in this seminar.
- Gema Martín Muñoz (Madrid Autonomous University) y Antoni Segura i Mas (Barcelona University) also participated in this course.
- During the 00/01 school year I was the lecturer of specialization courses on international current affairs (proper diploma) Political Change and modernization of Muslim territories. The title of my classes was: Turkey and Afghanistan – two antagonistic examples of social and political development.
Current research projects
- Researcher at the Project: NACIONALIZACIÓN, ESTADO Y VIOLENCIAS POLÍTICAS. DIMENSIÓN SOCIAL, DISCURSOS Y PRÁCTICAS (SIGLOS XIX-XXI) Ref: Grupo acreditado Tipo A del Sistema Universitario Vasco IT-1227-19 IP: Antonio Rivera. Institution: Basque Government
- Researcher at the Project: “NACIONALIZACIÓN, ESTADO Y VIOLENCIAS POLÍTICAS. EXPERIENCIAS, DISCURSOS Y PRACTICAS (SIGLOS XIX- XXI)”, Ref: HAR2017-83955-P IP: Mikel Aizpuru Fernando Molina. Institution: Ministry of Economy, Competitiveness.
- Member of the research project POLITICAL VIOLENCE, MEMORY AND TERRITORIAL IDENTITY. The weight of the perceptions of the past in Basque politics HAR2014-51956-P funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for the period 2015-2018.
- The arab revolts. Emerging political actors and reshaping of the public sphere in north Africa and the middle east. (Mineco CSO2012-37779)
- Research Group of the Basque Academic System IT-429-10, headed by Dr Luis Castells (University of the Basque Country)
Other activities
- 2021, February. Member of the Scientific Committee and in the coordination of tables at the International Congress “The Arab Springs ten years later. Social, political and economic challenges”, held on February 10, 11 and 12, 2021.
- 2019, December: External Evaluator for Vasconia magazine.
- 2019, July: External Evaluator for Ayer magazine.
- 2019, July: Academic Secretary of the postgraduate and / or specialization course (distance) in the Interuniversity Master's Seminar in Contemporary History Conference Cycle Historiography and historical methodology: new challenges, directed by: Femando Molina Aparicio that has taken place in the headquarters of this University in Santander, from July 1 to 5, 2019.
- 2019, March. External Evaluator of the book of the EIRENE collection of the University of Granada
- 2019, January. External Evaluator in the Contemporary History magazine
- 2018 November. External Evaluator in the University Journal of Military History (ISSN: 2254-6111)
- 2017, June. External evaluator commissioned by its Editorial Board of the Revista de Historia Contemporánea Hispania Nova. 2019