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Analytical Chemistry

Faculty of Engineering - Vitoria-Gasteiz
Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Chemical Engineering
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied classroom-based groups3045

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

AimsToggle Navigation

Specific Skills (C.E.)

C.E.1. To be able to know, understand and apply the knowledge related to: ionic equilibrium, classical and instrumental chemical analysis, in the resolution of analytical problems (C3, TEQI6).

C.E.2. To be able to apply the strategies of the scientific methodology: to analyze the problematic situations both qualitatively and quantitatively. Propose solutions to solve real analytical problems. Analyze the results using statistical criteria (C4, C5, CRI13, TEQI6, TEQI8).

C.E.3. Be able to apply the knowledge to perform measurements, calculations, studies and reports in the field of chemical analysis (C5, TEQI12).

Transversal Skills (T.C.)

C.T.1. To be able to work effectively both individually and collectively in multilingual environments, integrating skills and knowledge necessary for decision-making in the field of analytical chemistry. (C10, CRI15).

C.T.2. Be able to adopt a responsible and organized attitude, both in individual and cooperative work (C12, CRI16).

C.T.3.; Be able to adequately communicate knowledge, procedures and results in the field of analytical chemistry, using appropriate vocabulary and scientific-technical terminology both verbally and in writing (C1, CRI14, TEQI9).

TemaryToggle Navigation


Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Analysis: Concepts. General Process of Analysis. Operations prior to analysis. Basic Analytical Concepts: Chemical Systems. Chemical Equilibrium. Strength of a system. Quantitativity. Concentration and Activity. Salt effect. Common Ion Effect. Buffer solutions.


Precision and accuracy. Types of errors. Statistical treatment of the results (Confidence intervals. Rejection of results). Significant numbers. Linear regression.


Acid-base theory. Strength of acids and bases. Concept of pH (Calculation of pH: Strong acids and bases. Weak acids and bases). Graphic procedure. Introduction to volumetric analysis methods (Primary standards: characteristics. Standard dissolution: characteristics. Volumetric calculations). Determination of the end point (Indicators for acid-base titrations. Potentiometric detection of the end point.) Applications of logarithmic diagrams in acid-base titrations (Titration of strong acid and base. Titration of a weak acid with a strong base). Applications of acid-base titrations. (Determination of inorganic substances. Elemental analysis).


Introduction. Equilibria and complex formation constants. Logarithmic diagrams. Conditional constants. Analytical applications of complex formation: Titrations with monodentate ligands (Argentimetries. Determination of cyanide. Liebig method. Mercurimetries.) Titrations with polydentate ligands.


Introduction. Solubility and solubility product. Logarithmic diagrams (Beginning and end of precipitation. Fractional precipitation). Factors that affect the solubility of the precipitates (Nature of the chemical species. Nature of the solvent. Temperature. Other factors). Factors affecting the value of the ionic product. (Common ion effect. Salt effect. Displacement reactions). End point indicator methods: Volhard method. Möhr method. Fajans method. Potentiometric method.


Introduction. Conditions to perform gravimetry. Types of precipitates (Colloidal precipitates. Crystalline precipitates). Particle size of a precipitate. (Factors that determine the particle size of a precipitate. Mechanism of formation of a precipitate. Experimental control of particle size). Purity of the precipitates (Coprecipitation. Postprecipitation). Drying and calcination of the precipitates. Applications of gravimetric methods (Inorganic precipitating reagents. Organic precipitating reagents). Gravimetric analysis calculations.


Oxide-reduction reactions. Redox Systems. Oxide-reduction potential. Forecasts of redox reactions. Graphic representations (Logarithmic diagrams. Applications of logarithmic diagrams to the study of redox reactions). Titration curves (Calculation of E at the equivalence point. Calculation of the equilibrium constant). Redox indicators (Specific indicators. True redox indicators). Analytical applications: Oxidations and previous reductions. Practical cases (Methods with Permanganate. Methods with Cerium. Methods with Potassium Dichromate. Methods with Potassium Bromate. Methods with Iodine).


Introduction. Generalities of Electrochemistry. Types of electrochemical cells. Voltaic or galvanic cells. Electrolytic cells. Classification of electrochemical methods of analysis. Potentiometric Methods (Analytical Applications). Conductimetric Methods.


Theoretical foundations (Classification of spectroscopic methods). Laws of radiation absorption. Deviations from the Lambert-Beer Law (Real deviations. Instrumental deviations. Chemical deviations. Personal errors). Instrumentation (Radiation sources. Filters and monochromators. Sample containers. Detectors). Applications (Qualitative analysis. Quantitative analysis. Analysis of mixtures of absorbent substances. Photometric assessments).


Introduction to chromatographic methods. Classification of chromatographic methods. Chromatographic columns. Mechanisms of chromatographic separations. Separation techniques. HPLC. gas chromatography

MethodologyToggle Navigation

The subject has the following distribution:


Specific skills will be mainly worked on.

- In-person activity: The teacher will explain the theoretical contents and debate application issues. The students will cooperatively solve the questions posed by the teacher.

- Non-presential activity: The student will work individually and collectively on the theoretical contents and questions that are delivered in each topic (self-assessment).


Along with the specific skills, the transversal skills indicated in each case will be worked on.

The activities to be carried out are problem solving and cooperative works.

(A) PROBLEMS [C.T.1, C.T.3]

- In-person activity: The teacher will pose representative problems of each topic and will explain possible strategies to the student for their resolution. The students will cooperatively solve the problems posed by the teacher.

- Non-presential activity: The student will work both individually and in groups on problems that are delivered as complementary material on each topic (self-assessment).


Cooperative Activities are group work for the analytical determination of real problems based on the

knowledge acquired in the subject.

During the course, each work group will carry out a cooperative activity that will involve the combination of knowledge from the entire subject and its application to a specific case. This activity will last 12 weeks:

- In-person activity: The teacher will present the activity to be carried out and guide the students in teamwork techniques. During the course, differen sessions will be performed to learn about the progress of the proposed cooperative activity. Once the activity has been carried out, each group will present their work.

- Non-presential activity: Students will carry out the activity cooperatively. The product of this activity will be a deliverable and an oral presentation.

The methodology proposed for this subject is an active methodology that implies that the planned activities allow students to participate in the construction of their knowledge and acquire greater responsibility.

The communication and relationship between teachers and students is carried out through the following terms:

- Theoretical and practical classes

- Use of e-gela. On this platform, students have all the necessary information at their disposal and the news are posted on e-gela. During the course and depending on the proposed work, forums will be opened for the exchange of information.

- Coordinator of the working group. Each work group will appoint a coordinator.

- Tutorials

If health circumstances require online teaching, the characteristics of this subject allow it to be developed as it is designed by means of using the computer resources available in the UPV/EHU (teams, eGela, etc.)

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

This subject offers 2 evaluation systems: Continuous or Final. It is recommended to use the Continuous Evaluation system to optimize the learning process and the acquisition of skills. The student, at the beginning of the course, establishes the evaluation procedure to which he/she will undergo, for which he/she will sign a contract indicating the evaluation option.

In Continuous Evaluation the student will have to meet some requirements to be evaluated.

In the event that an in-person evaluation of the subject cannot be carried out, the pertinent changes will be made to carry out an online evaluation using the existing computer tools at the UPV/EHU. The characteristics of this online evaluation will be published in the student guides and in eGela.


It will have the following activities:

i.PRACTICAL EXERCISES (application exercises, practical cases,...) (Individual and Cooperative Work).

ii.THEORETICAL-PRACTICAL WORK using the PBL methodology and linked to the subject of Experimentation in Chemical Engineering II, which includes the application of the knowledge from this subject in a practical manner. This work, once completed, will be presented in class in order to assess the students´ ability to synthesize, knowledge of the theory, time management, organization of work and so on. (Team work).

iii.WRITTEN EXAM, which will include questions, exercises and problems related to the contents of this subject. (Individual work).

3.340 / 5.000

Percentage of the final mark:


ii.PROJECT (through PBL) and its oral presentation: 15%



The FINAL MARK will be obtained by applying these percentages to the results of the evaluation in each of the concepts indicated above, taking into account the following REQUIREMENTS:

a) It will be necessary to have carried out all the established activities (including the surveys of the cooperative work).

b) Completion of the assigned activities within the established deadline (which will be announced on e-gela)

c) It will be necessary to obtain a minimum mark of 3.5/10 in each global activity, except in the written exam, in which it will be necessary to obtain a mark of 4/10.

To pass the subject it will be necessary to obtain a final mark of 5/10.

In those cases in which students do not meet any of the requirements indicated above, the subject will be suspended in its ordinary call with a maximum final mark of 4.

The evaluation instrument for each activity and cooperative work is a rubric or evaluation matrix, which will detail the criteria and indicators used to evaluate the acquisition of the skills.

In the PRACTICAL EXERCISES, the evaluation is continuous, maintaining a close and direct relationship with each of the groups, in such a way that the observed deviations are indicated as a feedback process for subsequent discussion and correction. On certain occasions, the practical exercises are evaluated through a cross-evaluation, where firstly before the teacher's final evaluation, the exercises are reviewed by other work groups.

The evaluation of the PROJECT AND the ORAL PRESENTATION will be carried out by the teacher. In this activity, it will be taken into account formal aspects, writing, content, amongst other issues. Conversely, the oral presentation (also carried out by the teacher) will have also a group component since an individual evaluation for each member of the group which is performing the presentation will be evaluated by other class mates.

The WRITTEN EXAM will be evaluated by the teacher.

COOPERATIVE WORK is evaluated by the members of each team, through cross surveys where the functioning of the group and the participation of each of its members are analyzed.


The student who does NOT participate in the continuous evaluation system must do a final exam that will include theoretical and practical questions from the subject.

Resignation of the evaluation call:

Students who signed the contract that opted for continuous evaluation may present their resignation from the evaluation call by writing to the teachers of the subject before one month from the end date.

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

The reference material for the development of the contents are the textbooks proposed in the BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY. The material necessary to study this subject is available in e-gela, which generally includes:
• Presentation of the topics (detailed explanation of the contents)
• Questions, problems and application exercises (with solutions).
• Complementary material to deepen/complement the contents of the topic and/or to carry out cooperative activities.
• Links of interest.
The e-gela course also offers the following FORUMS (all of them supervised by teachers):
• QUESTIONS FORUM: for students to send their doubts and resolve them cooperatively.
• SUGGESTIONS FORUM: for students to send their suggestions to improve the development of the subject.
• COOPERATIVE FORUMS: to facilitate work related to students' cooperative activities.
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BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

• SKOOG D.A.; WEST D.M.; HOLLER F.J., CROUCH S.R. Fundamentos de Química Analítica.

Madrid: Ed. Thompson,2008.

• HARRIS D.C. Análisis Químico Cuantitativo. Barcelona: Ed. Reverté, S.A., 2001.

• SANCHEZ BATANERO P., GÓMEZ DEL RÍO M.I. Química Analítica General Vol. I y II.

Madrid: Ed. Síntesis S.A., 2006.

• SILVA M; BARBOSA J. Equilibrios iónicos y sus aplicaciones analíticas. Madrid: Ed. Síntesis S.A., 2004.

• YAÑEZ-SEDEÑO P.; PINGARRÓN J.M., DE VILLENA RUEDA F.J. Problemas resueltos de química analítica. Madrid. Ed. Síntesis S.A., 2003.

• HERNÁNDEZ HERNÁNDEZ L., GONZÁLEZ PÉREZ C. Introducción al análisis instrumental.

Barcelona: Ed. Ariel S.A., 2002.

• SKOOG D.A. HOLLER F.J. CROUCH S.R. Principios de análisis instrumental. México.

Cengage Learning, 2008.

In-depth bibliography

• VICENTE PÉREZ S. Química de las disoluciones: diagramas y cálculos gráficos. Madrid:
Alhambra, 1996.
• SKOOG D.A., LEARY J.J. Análisis Instrumental. Madrid: Ed. McGraw-Hill, 1996.
• MARR I.L., CRESSER M.S., GÓMEZ ARIZA J.L. Química Analítica del Medio Ambiente. Ed:
Universidad de Sevilla, 1989.
• SAWYER C.N., McCARTY P.L., PARKIN G.F. Química para ingeniería ambiental.
Bogotá(Colombia). Ed.McGraw Hill, 2001.
• WILLARD H.H., MERRITT L.L., SETTLE F.A. Métodos instrumentales de análisis. México:
Grupo Editorial Iberoamérica, 1991.


Analytical Chemistry (Anal. Chem.): http://pubs.acs.org/journal/ancham
Analyst: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/journals/journalissues/an#!recentarticles&all
Analytica Chemical Acta (Anal. Chim. Acta): http://www.sciencedirect.com
International Journal of Environmental Analytical: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/geac20/current
Chromatographia: http://link.springer.com/journal/10337
Journal of Chromatography A: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-chromatography-a/
Electroanalysis: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1521-4109

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01 Teórico (Spanish - Mañana)Show/hide subpages



Teaching staff



01 Applied classroom-based groups-1 (Spanish - Mañana)Show/hide subpages





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