Research Projects

Current research fields at the Institute with a financial support:
1. Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019-106078GB-I00; MCI/AEI/FEDER, UE), 2020-2024.
2. Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (FFI2015-63719-P; MINECO/FEDER, UE), 2016-2019.
3. Basque Government (IT1032-16), 2016-2021. The research group Language, Action and Thought is a consolidated research group, category A with 90,5 points.
Previous research fields at the Institute with a financial support:
- Inter-theorical Relations in Cognitive Science (2009-2010, University of the Basque Country)
- Relaciones entre las pymes industriales y el sistema de formación profesional: impacto en la actividad innovadora de las empresas (2009-2010, Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa)
- Pymes Industriales en el sistema regional de innovación (2009-2011, Ministry of Science and Innovation)
- Critical Action: A theory of Action for Critical Pragmatics (2010-2012, Ministry of Science and Innovation)
- Modularity, Reasoning and Social Cognition (2010-2012, Ministry of Science and Innovation)
- Research Group: "Knowledge, organization and innovation" (2010-2012, Basque Government)
- Research Group: "Language as action: Semantics, pragmatics and rhetoric" (2010-2012, Basque Government)
8. Referencia, Tiempo e Implicaturas: Una Aproximación desde la Pragmática Crítica (2013-2015, MINECO)
9. Language, Action and Thought (2013-2015, Gobierno Vasco)
10. La acción crítica: una teoría de la acción para la pragmática crítica (2010-2012, MICINN)
11. Lenguaje como Acción: Semántica, Pragmática y Retórica (2010-2012, Gobierno Vasco)
Ph. D. Theses:
Currently there are 8 Ph. D. theses in process of completion at the Institute, in the following fields: Philosophy and Foundations of Cognitive Science; Rhetorical Analysis of Discourse; Semantics of Propositional Attitudes; Semantics and Pragmatics of Natural Language; Philosophy, Logic and Foundations of Mathematics.