Gorka Arana Momoitio

Gorka Arana Momoitio

Full Professor

PhD Chemistry (UPV/EHU)
Faculty of Science & Technology

Born in 1968. Bachelor in Sciences (chemistry) in 1991. PhD under the supervision of Luis Ángel Fernández and Nestor Etxebarria finished in 1996. Marie Curie Scholarship from the European Commission to be postdoctoral fellow for two years at the Joint Research Centre “Institute of Reference Materials and Measurements” (JRC-IRMM) in Geel, Belgium related to Reference Materials, their production and certification. Back at the research group led by Juan Manuel Madariaga in the analytical chemistry department of the UPV/EHU where I started working on the research lines related to the development of new analytical procedures for the environment and another line related to reference materials. In 2002 I became assistant professor. In 2003, 3 months at the centre LCABIE CNRS UMR 5034 Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour to work on a project entitled “Study of the mobility of Cd species isotopically marked in water and estuarine sediments using ICP-MS”. After that stay I became the researcher responsible of the ICP-MS. In 2007 I was appointed leader of the Spanish group of the TrainMiC programme promoted by the JRC-IRMM for the harmonized learning of chemical metrology and ISO 17025. I have coordinated those courses in Spain and the Spanish group since XX. Since 2007 I have worked in the reseach line of our group related to the development of new analytical methods and chemical processes for the diagnostic, conservation and rehabilitation of Natural and Cultural Heritage. Besides, since 2007 I am member of the Subcommittee 08 of the Normalization technical Committee 41 “Conservation of buildings” of the Spanish normalization agency AENOR, and I represent that subcommittee in the working group 3 (CEN/TC 346/WG 3 - Evaluation of methods and products for conservation works) of the technical committee 346 of the European normalization committee (CEN). Since 2022 I am full Professor. I am coordinator of the Master degree in Landscape management. Heritage, territory and city  from the UPV/EHU. I have more than 120 publications in peer reviewed journals.