INTRO Gizarte Antropologia Unibertsitate Masterra

Master’s in Social Anthropology

The main purpose of the Master is to guarantee students’ research abilities, as well as to prepare them to work in the professional area of anthropology, by providing them with the theoretical, methodological and practical tools that are best suited.

Therefore, it provides specialised and advanced knowledge in social anthropology, focusing on the traditional lines of research of the discipline at the UPV/EHU, such as Basque culture, the feminist perspective in anthropology, and contemporary ethnographies.

The Master is aimed at students with prior anthropological knowledge or training, who plan on completing a PhD in the field of social anthropology or on specialising in one of the above-mentioned lines of research.

To achieve this goal, the training programme was created to set out innovative theoretical approaches and methodologies regarding their epistemological uses and implications.

The programme offers key academic and social values, thanks to its contribution from the anthropological perspective to the analysis of social and cultural diversity, social and gender inequalities and social change.