Location and contact
From 1 September to 14 July: 07:30–21:00 hours (Fridays: 20:30 hours)
From 15 July to 31 August: 07:30–14:30 hours
Christmas and Easter: 07:30–14:30 hours
Secretary opening hours (Contact):
From 13 september to 39 may: 09:00-13:00 and 15:00-16:30 hours (Fridays: 09:00-13:00 hours)
From 31 may to 10 september: 09:00-13:00 hours
Christmas and Easter: 09:30–13:00 hours
Concierge's Tel.: 943 01.82.33/82.32
Email: hefa.atezaintza@ehu.es
Master´s degrees secretary: 943 01 8688 - 8454 (Arreta ordutegia)
Email: hefa.masterrak@ehu.eus
Concierge's Tel.: 943 01.84.41943 01.84.41
Email: hefa.atezaintza2@ehu.eus
Degrees´s secretary Tel: 943 01 8235 - 8236 - 7041 - 8456 (Arreta ordutegia)
Emaila: hefa.idazkaritza@ehu.eus

How to get there:
- By bus: Donostiako autobusak (5, 25, 24, 27, 33, 40 lineak)
- By plane: Donostiako Aireportua // Biarritz // Bilbo