intro master social educational

Master’s Degree in Social and Educational Research

Research is an essential tool for understanding and responding to the challenges faced by education professionals. Working with groups such as protected infants, people with disabilities, immigrants, diverse cultural groups or emerging identities requires a deep understanding of the dynamics of social exclusion, as well as of the alternatives provided by human rights, inclusion, intercultural society, new technologies, gender studies or conflict management.

This Master is aimed for people who are interested in or who are working in social-educational fields. These are people who want to learn to research to understand the dynamics of the social-educational field, and who want to provide teaching based on scientific evidence. During the Master they will learn to detect, analyse and face relevant problems, trends and challenges that affect the social-educational field, and to reflect them in academic and professional reports, articles or papers.

The Master also provides access to a PhD programme, thus opening the possibility for a doctorate thesis.

The compulsory subjects of the Master’s programme are taught in in-person mode, and a total of ten optional subjects in semi-in-person mode, making it compatible with a full-time job. The classes are always held in the afternoon.