News from the field III International seminar
28/02/2023, 13:00 - 14:30
News from the field mintegiaren 3. saioan, antropologia politikoko gai garaikideak Euskal Herrian aztertzen dituzten antropologo eta doktoregaiek hartuko dute parte. Graduondoko mintegia bada ere, saioa irekia da; ingelesez izango da.
This third session of the News from the field seminar brings together anthropologists exploring contemporary issues in political anthropology in the Basque Country. Aimed preferably at postgraduate students (PhD and master), the seminar will be held in English.
- Elena Casirian
Memories of cross-border practices in the Basque Country
UPV/EHU- Univ. Toulouse - Nastja Slavec
Dancing as an euskaldun: reflections on ongoing fieldwork research in Pamplona-Iruñea ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana - Samara Velte
Building on Others' memories: how young Basques engage in the discursive conflict about the past violence UPV/EHU
Discussant :
- Natasa Gregoric Bon ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana
Non / Where
Balioen Fiolosofia eta Gizarte Antropologia mintegia
Philosphie of Value and Social Anthropology seminar room
HEFA I –UPV/EHU - Tolosa hiribidea 70, Donostia 20018
Noiz/ When:
023-02-28, 13:00-14:30
Antolatzailea / Organizer
Aitzpea Leizaola (UPV/EHU)
Laguntzaileak / With the collaboration of
BFGA eta Erasmus +