International journals
Manuel de la Hoz, Petrus J. Pieterse, Agurtzane Etxegarai, Diego Gonzalez, A. Javier Mazon, Dirk Uhrlandt. Comparison of corona effect prediction criteria on sphere-plane configuration. IET High Voltage 9(4). 2024
Asier Divasson, Itxaso Aranzabal, Miren T. Bedialauneta, Paula Castillo. Analysis of the applicability of Metaheuristic Algorithms tools for the positioning of Energy Storage Systems. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems. 2024
Julen Gomez-Cornejo, Iraide Lopez, Itxaso Aranzabal, Rafael Alberdi, Erlantz Erezuma. Algorithm for managing the consumption curve of a consumer with self-consumption photovoltaic generation. Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal. 2024
Agurtzane Etxegarai, Manuel de La Hoz, Elvira Fernandez, Itxaso Aranzabal, Araitz Iturregi, A. Javier Mazon. Influence of environmental factors on corona voltage. Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal. 2024
Jose M. Guerrero, Itxaso Aranzabal, Julen Gómez-Cornejo, Pablo Eguía, Sergio Zarate, Carlos A. Platero. A Ground Fault Detection Method for Double Fed Induction Machines via DC Grounding Resistor Voltage Evaluation. Transactions on Industry Applications. 2024
Jose M. Guerrero, Itxaso Aranzabal, Julen Gómez-Cornejo, Victor Valverde, Carlos A. Platero. Ground Fault Detector for DC Microgrids Using Sequentially-Switched Grounding Connections. Transactions on Industry Applications. 2024
Lucas López, Iraide López, Julen Gomez-Cornejo, Itxaso Aranzabal, Pablo Eguia. Analysis of impact for PV-BES strategies in low voltage distribution system. Electrical Engineering. 2024
Iraide López, Nerea Goitia-Zabaleta; Aitor Milo, Julen Gómez-Cornejo, Itxaso Aranzabal, Haizea Gaztañaga, Elvira Fernandez. European Energy Communities: Characteristics, trends, business models and legal framework. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 197. 2024
Iraide López, Julen Gomez-Cornejo, Itxaso Aranzabal, Luis Emilio Garcia, Angel Javier Mazón. Photovoltaic Local Energy Communities. Design of new energy exchange modalities. Case of study: Tolosa. Energies 16. 2023
Nerea Goitia-Zabaleta, Aitor Milo, Haizea Gaztañaga, Elvira Fernandez. Two-Stage Centralised Management of Local Energy Market for Prosumers Integration in a Community-based P2P. Applied Energy 348. 2023.
Itxaso Aranzabal, Julen Gomez-Cornejo, Iraide López Ropero, Ander Zubiria, A. Javier Mazón, Ane Feijoo-Arostegui, Haizea Gaztañaga. Optimal Management of an Energy Community with PV and Battery-Energy-Storage Systems. Energies 16. 2023
Julen Gomez-Cornejo, Itxaso Aranzabal, Iraide López Ropero, A. Javier Mazón, Aitzol Zuloaga, A New Methodology to Manage FPGA Distributed Memory Content via Bitstream for Xilinx ZYNQ Devices. Electronics 12. 2023
Miren T. Bedialauneta, Elvira Fernandez, IgorAlbizu, A. Javier Mazon. Sag-tension evaluation of high-temperature gap-type conductor in operation. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 16. 2022
Rafael Alberdi, Elvira Fernandez, Igor Albizu, Miren T. Bediallauneta, Roberto Fernandez. Overhead line ampacity forecasting and a methodology for assessing risk and line capacity utilization. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 133, Elsevier. 2021
Rafael Alberdi, Igor Albizu, Elvira Fernandez, Roberto Fernandez, Miren T. Bedialauneta. Overhead line ampacity forecasting with a focus on safety. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 2021
Miren.T Bedialauneta, Igor Albizu, Elvira Fernandez, A. Javier Mazon. Uncertainties in the Testing of the Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Overhead Conductors. Energies 13. 2020
Elvira Fernandez, Igor Albizu, Miren T. Bedialauneta, A. Javier Mazon, Agurtzane Etxegarai. Field validation of gap-type overhead conductor creep. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 105. 2019.
Igor Albizu, Elvira Fernandez, Rafael Alberdi, Miren T. Bedialauneta, A. Javier Mazon. Adaptive Static Line Rating for Systems With HTLS Conductors. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 33. 2018
Igor Albizu, Elvira Fernandez, A. Javier Mazon, Rafael Alberdi. Forecast ratio and security analysis of rating forecasting methods in an overhead line. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 11. 2017
Elvira Fernandez, Igor Albizu, Miren T. Bedialauneta, A. Javier Mazon, Patricia T. Leite. Review of dynamic line rating systems for wind power integration. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 53. 2016
Agurtzane Etxegarai, Manuel de La Hoz, Elvira Fernandez, Itxaso Aranzabal, A. Javier Mazon. Influence of environmental factors on corona voltage. International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ). Bilbao, España (26-28/06/2024).
Julen Gomez-Cornejo, Iraide Lopez, Itxaso Aranzabal and Rafael Alberdi, Erlantz Erezuma. Algorithm for managing the consumption curve of a consumer with self-consumption photovoltaic generation. International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ). Bilbao, España (26-28/06/2024).
Aitor Delgado, Miren T. Bedialauneta, Elvira Fernandez, Igor Albizu, Paula Castillo. Dynamic Line Rating for Congestion Management in Distribution Network. International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ). Bilbao, España (26-28/06/2024).
Roberto Fernandez, Ramon Zamora, Uvini Perera, Rafael Alberdi, Elvira Fernandez, Igor Albizu, Miren T. Bedialauneta. Dynamic line rating forecasting using recurrent neural networks. International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS). Auckland, Nueva Zelanda (24-26/06/2024).
Igor Albizu, Rafael Alberdi, Elvira Fernandez, Miren T. Bedialauneta, Paula Castillo. Predicting the Ampacity of the Lines from Distributed Monitoring and Weather Forecasting. International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC). Roma, Italia (17-20/06/2024).
Nerea Goitia-Zabaleta, Ane Feijoo-Arostegui, Aitor Milo, Haizea Gaztañaga, Elvira Fernandez. Techno-Economic Evaluation of a Battery-as-a-Service Business Model in an Energy Community. International Conference on European Energy Market (EEM). Estambul, Turquia (10-12/06/2024).
Nerea Goitia-Zabaleta, Ane Feijoo Arostegui, Urtzi Iparragirre, Aitor Milo, Haizea Gaztañaga, Elvira Fernandez. Análisis a largo plazo y validación exerimental de una comunidad energética local con gestión centralizada. II Edicion congreso de redes inteligentes - Futured. Madrid, España (23/11/2023).
Nerea Goitia-Zabaleta, Aitor Milo, Haizea Gaztañaga, Elvira Fernandez. Community-based P2P energy price with prosumers of different tariffs in the Spanish scenario. International Conference on European Energy Market (EEM). Lappeenranta, Finlandia (06-08/06/2023).
Patricio Barbecho, Igor Albizu, Miren T. Bedialauneta, Elvira Fernandez, Paula Castillo. Optimal location of distributed generation to reduce power losses. International Conference on CLEAN ELECTRICAL POWER (ICCEP). Terrasini (Sicily), Italia (27-29/06/2023).
Paula Castillo, Igor Albizu, Miren T. Bedialauneta, Elvira Fernandez, Barbecho Patricio. Analysis of overhead line rating forecasting in a IEEE-24 bus system network. International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC). Madrid, España (06-09/06/2023).
Rafael Alberdi, Igor Albizu, Miren.T Bedialauneta, Elvira Fernandez, Roberto Fernandez, A. Javier Mazon. Ampacity Forecast from Weather Prediction in Distribution Lines. IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical. Prague, República Checa (28/06 - 01/07/2022).
Paula Castillo, Igor Albizu, Miren T. Bedialauneta, Itxaso Aranzabal. Benefit analysis in power generation dispatch using dynamic line ratings on transmission lines. International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ). Vigo, España (27-29/07/2022).
Nerea Goitia-Zabaleta, Aitor Milo, Haizea Gaztañaga, Elvira Fernandez. Full P2P based Residential Energy Community vs Collective Self-Consumption in Spanish scenario: Participants sizing analysis. International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM). Ljubljana, Slovenia (13–15/09/2022).
Julen Gomez-Cornejo, Igor Villalta, Itxaso Aranzabal, Iraide Lopez, Aitzol Zuloaga. Data content scrubbing approach for SRAM based FPGA designs. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE). Anchorage, E.E.U.U. (01–03/06/2022).
Nerea Goitia-Zabaleta, Lander Ochoa, Aitor Milo, Haizea Gaztañaga, Elvira Fernandez, Andoni Saez-de-Ibarra, Community P2P Market with Solar and Demand Forecast preserving Steady-State Voltage Limits. IEEE International Conference on Environmet and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC). Bary, Italy (8-11/06/2021).
Paula Castillo, Igor Albizu, Miren T. Bedialauneta, Roberto Fernandez, A. Javier Mazon. Benefits of Dynamic Line Rating on System Operation. IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC). Canadá (21-31/10/2021).
Roberto Fernandez, Rafael Alberdi, Elvira Fernandez, Igor Albizu, Miren T. Bedialauneta. Improvement of safety operating conditions in overhead conductors based on ampacity modeling using artificial neural networks. IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC). Macao, China (01-04/12/2019).
Rafael Alberdi, Igor Albizu, Elvira Fernandez, Miren T. Bedialauneta, Roberto Fernandez. Wind Speed Effect on the Conductor Temperature of a Distribution Line. International Conference on Clean Electrical Power (ICCEP). Otranto, Italia (02-04/07/2019).
Rafael Alberdi, Igor Albizu, Elvira Fernandez, Roberto Fernandez, A. Javier Mazon. Analysis of the spatial uncertainty of line rating monitoring systems in smart grids. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE). Vancouver, Canadá (12-14/06/2019).
Rafael Alberdi, Roberto Fernandez, Elvira Fernandez, Igor Albizu, Miren T. Bedialauneta, A. Javier Mazon. Short-term Ampacity Forecasting based on Linear Regression in a Distribution Line. Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion (MedPower). Dubrovnik, Croacia (12-15/11/2018).
Rafael Alberdi, Igor Albizu, Elvira Fernandez, Miren T. Bedialauneta, Roberto Fernandez, A. Javier Mazon. Security and reliability assessment of overhead lines ampacity forecasting. IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC). Palermo, Italia (12-15/06/2018).
Rafael Alberdi, Igor Albizu, Elvira Fernandez, Agurtzane Etxegarai, Victor Valverde, Garikoitz Buigues, A.Javier Mazon, Miren T. Bedialauneta. Predicting wind speed with local measurements in an overhead line. International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC). Heraklion, Grecia (28-31/08/2017).
Rafael Alberdi, Elvira Fernandez, Igor Albizu, A. Javier Mazon, Miren T. Bedialauneta. Wind speed forecasting in overhead lines for system operation. IEEE PowerTech 2017. Manchester, Reino Unido (18-22/06/2017).
Elvira Fernandez, Igor Albizu, A. Javier Mazon, Agurtzane Etxegarai, Garikoitz Buigues, Rafael Alberdi. Power Line Monitoring for the Analysis of Overhead Line Rating Forecasting Methods. IEEE PES PowerAfrica. Livingstone, Zambia (21-25/06/2016).
Rafael Alberdi, Elvira Fernandez, Igor Albizu, Victor Valverde, Miren T. Bedialauneta, Koldobika Sagastabeitia. Statistical Methods and Weather Prediction for Ampacity Forecasting in Smart Grids. IEEE PES PowerAfrica. Livingstone, Zambia (21-25/06/2016).
Elvira Fernandez, Igor Albizu, Garikoitz Buigues, Victor Valverde, Agurtzane Etxegarai, Jon G. Olazarri. Dynamic line rating forecasting based on numerical weather prediction. IEEE PowerTech 2015. Eindhoven, Holanda (29/06-02/07/2015).
Igor Albizu, Elvira Fernandez, A. Javier Mazon, Koldobika Sagastabeitia, Miren T. Bedialuneta, Jon G. Olazarri. Overhead Line Rating Forecasting for the Integration of Wind Power in Electricity Markets. International Conference on Clean Electrical Power (ICCEP). Taormina, Italia (16-18/06/2015).
Jon G. Olazarri, A. Javier Mazon, Santiago Rementeria, Igor Albizu, Elvira Fernandez. Performance of Dynamic Line Rating Systems for Wind Integration. International Conference on Clean Electrical Power (ICCEP). Taormina, Italia (16-18/06/2015).
Jon G. Olazarri, A. Javier Mazon, Elvira Fernandez, Igor Albizu, Miren T. Bedialuneta. Analysis of different dynamic line rating system configurations in a distribution line. International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED). Lyon, Francia (15-18/06/2015).
Miren T. Bedialuneta, Elvira Fernandez, Igor Albizu, A. Javier Mazon, Koldobika Sagastabeitia, Jon G. Olazarri. Factors that affect the sag-tension model of an overhead conductor. IEEE PowerTech 2013. Grenoble, Francia (16-20/06/2013).
Elvira Fernandez, Igor Albizu, Miren T. Bedialuneta, A. Javier Mazon, Patricia T. Leite, Jon G. Olazarri. Análise crítica da ampacidade em linhas aéreas próximas a parques eólicos. XV ERIAC- Encuentro regional Ibero-americano do CIGRE. Foz do Iguazú, Brasil (19-23/05/2013).
Other publications
Itxaso Aranzabal, Julen Gomez-Cornejo, Iraide López Ropero, Paula Castillo, Agurtzane Etxegarai. Estado del arte de los métodos de refrigeración de los módulos de potencia asociados al vehículo. DYNA 98 (3), pp. 266-273. Mayo 2023. https://www.revistadyna.com/busqueda/estado-del-arte-de-metodos-de-refrigeracion-de-modulos-de-potencia-asociados-al-vehiculo-electrico
Ane M. Larrea, Agurtzane Etxegarai, Manuel de la Hoz, A. Javier Mazon, Elvira Fernandez. HVAC sistemetan koroa-efektuaren agerpena detektatu eta aztertzeko metodologia. EKAIA 36, pp. 127 - 150. UPV/EHU, 2019. ISSN 0214 - 9001. https://ojs.ehu.eus/index.php/ekaia/article/view/20867
Igor Albizu, A. Javier Mazon, Elvira Fernandez, Miren T. Bedialauneta. Tenperatura altuko eta gezi txikiko eroaleen gezi-tenperatura erlazioa. EKAIA 25, pp. 257 - 274. UPV/EHU, 2012. ISSN 0214 - 9001. https://ojs.ehu.eus/index.php/ekaia/article/view/6251/9447