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Knowledge area
Applied Physics
Faculty of Science and Technology
Electronic mail

He received his Licenciatura in Physics (Solid State Physics) from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Spain, in 2001. Then he spent two years as a scholarship assistant at Ikerlan research center (department of sensors) in Mondragon, Spain. There he took part in projects oriented to industrial applications of optical spectroscopy.

Back at the UPV/EHU, he earned his Ph.D. in Physics in 2008, within the group of liquid crystals. His thesis work was focused mainly on nonlinear optical properties and structure of liquid crystal materials. The International Liquid Crystal Society awarded the Glenn Brown Prize to him in 2010 for his dissertation.

Afterwards he spent two years (2009-2011) as a researcher at Tekniker-IK4 research center in Eibar, Spain, working on micro and nanofabrication techniques for photonics and biosensing.

In 2011 he joined UPV/EHU as an assistant professor at the department of Applied Physics II, first in the Faculty of Pharmacy and, finally, since 2016, in the Faculty of Science and Technology. He has taught courses on Meteorology and Oceanography, Optics and General Physics. His research work is still connected to the field of liquid crystals, as well as other related areas (nonlinear optics, photonic crystals, plasmonics).

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