Ikasleek nahitaezko praktikak egingo dituzte (12 kreditu, gutxi gora behera 200 ordu) arreta goiztiarrerako zerbitzuetan, begirale espezialistan tutore dutelarik. Praktika hauek tituluaren zuzendaritzak gestionatuko ditu.
Entities wishing to offer internships
The UPV/EHU's external academic internships allow students to apply and complement the knowledge acquired in their academic training.
If, as a company or institution, you are interested in offering students of any master's degree or postgraduate program the opportunity to carry out internships in your company/institution, please identify the master's degree or postgraduate program you are interested in:
- Identify the master's degree or postgraduate course you are interested in offering internships. You can consult here for all the training offers for our master's and postgraduate programs.
- Contact us at profesorado.ensenanzaspropias@ehu.eus to agree on the elaboration of an agreement.