Ikasleak praktikak egingo ditu UPV/EHUren Odontologia Kliniketan, eta aukera izango du, kanpoko praktiken bidez, aho kirurgiako teknika ohikoenak eta aurreratuenak ezagutzeko, ezagutza mediko-kirurgikoan sakondu ahala.
Entities wishing to offer internships
The UPV/EHU's external academic internships allow students to apply and complement the knowledge acquired in their academic training.
If, as a company or institution, you are interested in offering students of any master's degree or postgraduate program the opportunity to carry out internships in your company/institution, please identify the master's degree or postgraduate program you are interested in:
- Identify the master's degree or postgraduate course you are interested in offering internships. You can consult here for all the training offers for our master's and postgraduate programs.
- Contact us at profesorado.ensenanzaspropias@ehu.eus to agree on the elaboration of an agreement.