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- Stomatology
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- Stomatology
- Centre
- Faculty of Medicina and Nursing
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Eneritz Bilbao Uriarte Graduated in Dentistry in 2006 (UPV / EHU), Master in Neurosciences in 2012 (UPV / EHU), and Doctor in Dentistry in 2017 (UPV / EHU). Since 2006 she works as a Dentist in Private Dental Clinic.
Professor associated with the Department of Stomatology and Stomatology II from 2012 to the present. He has collaborated as a teacher in postgraduate studies in the Department of Stomatology II. Co-director of numerous Final Degree Projects in Basque.
Coauthor of the article published in a magazine of great impact in the area of knowledge, book chapters and teaching material, author of numerous papers both in oral communication and poster format in international and national conferences.