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Teaching staff


Knowledge area
Employment and Social Security Law
Faculty of Economics and Business
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Lecturer at the University of the Basque Country, Her main áreas of interest are international Business and Employment and Social Security Law.

Her main areas of expertise include International Commerce and Litigation at national, european and international level both in private and public sector.

Previous positions:

•Judge at the Labor and Social Court (2009-2011).

•Independent expert to assist the Commission in the field of Civil justice.

•Member of ITC's Committee on International Model Contracts for Exporting SMEs (Geneve, INTRACEN) 2010.

•University Lecturer for USAC, UPV-EHU, University of Oxford (Basque Visiting Fellow).

•Independent researcher in several international projects on: commercial and business agreements, national and international consulting and legal advice for the development of global entrepreneurial activities, industrial relations, recruitment plans, posting of workers, etc.

•Participant as a speaker and lecturer at numerous international conferences, seminars and debates in U.K., Switzerland, Germany, Spain, Italy.

•Jury Member for the Pan-Hispanic Award for Specialized Translation, 2008.

•Member of the technical advisory board for IURIVAS, Justicia Vasca de lo Social (2002-2004).

•From 2006 on, Secretary of the Oxford University Society at the Basque Country.