XSL Content

Course outline

Acquired skills

These are the main competences for which this degree will qualify you:

  • To analyse and diagnose individuals, groups, contexts and centres of education in order to reason and develop an educational programme in sundry areas of professional competence.
  • To create the conditions to enable people to interact and communicate in a horizontal and empathetic manner, with the aim of being effective in terms of social inclusion (listening, negotiation, consensus and disagreement, and ethics) in multilingual and multicultural contexts.
  • To design, develop and assess educational processes and programmes, applying criteria of social inclusion, quality and equity, in diverse contexts and collectives.
  • To develop the personal, social and professional learning skills designed to help a teacher's inclusion in different professional fields, including self-employment.
  • To draw up and explain proposals, both in writing and orally, applying scientific and systematic criteria and targeting specialist and non-specialist audiences, and therefore helping in decision-making.
  • To organise and manage educational institutions and resources with a view to optimising them. In addition, produce creative materials on different media to enable people and collectives to develop educationally and socially.
  • To plan and organise those training schemes that drive professional development, with the aim of responding to the needs arising from innovation plans and programme development.
  • To understand, interpret, investigate and build relevant critical knowledge to enable them to express opinions and guidelines that include reflection and decision-making on major issues of a scientific, political, social and ethical nature from the perspective of Human Rights.