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Teaching staff


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Faculty of Medicina and Nursing
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Graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 1989 and PhD in Neurosciences in 1998. Specialist in Psychiatry in 2003. Professor of Neuroscience-Psychiatry in the Faculty of Medicine and Nursing since 1993 and Coordinator of the Psychiatry Area since 2017 and Member of the Board of Neurosciences Department Since 2017. She is ViceDean of the Faculty of Medicine and Nursing since 2004. Member of different University Commissions: Euskera Commission (2004 to 2013), University Commission of Teaching Evaluation (2013 to 2019), Elected Member of the University Faculty (2011 to 2015) ), Member of the Chair of Quality of the UPV/EHU (2003-2011), among others.

Academic Director of the Master of Integral Care in Palliative Care since 2011.

Diploma of Excellence obtained in Teacher Evaluation in Docentiaz in 2012.

She is the co-author of several scientific works, books and book chapters and contributions to congresses in Basque, Spanish and English. He has participated in different groups and research projects. Her lines of research are focused on the Psychosocial Aspects of Illness, Mental Health, Chronicity, Elderly People, Educational Research.

Member of the Deontological Commission of the College of Physicians of Bizkaia (2005 to 2018). Member of the Governing Board of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Bilbao since 2015.