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Teaching staff


Knowledge area
Surgery, Radiology and Physical Medicine
Faculty of Medicina and Nursing
Electronic mail

I, Joseba González García, with DNI: 45819358T (01/19/1984), my current professional situation is:

• Optional Assistant Specialist in Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and Pain Treatment at the Basurto University Hospital (Bilbao).

• Associate professor in the Department of Surgery and Radiology and Physical Medicine. Subjects taught: fundamentals of surgery, perioperative care: perioperative medicine and intensive care, integrated surgical practice. Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry of the University of the Basque Country.

Next, I briefly explain my most relevant scientific activities / research projects:

• Obtaining Certificate-Diploma of ADVANCED STUDIES IN SURGERY, linked to the Surgery Area of Knowledge, after successfully passing the corresponding evaluation test, obtaining the recognition of INVESTIGATING SUFFICIENCY. Presenting as research work Management of acute postoperative pain through epidural analgesia in colorectal surgery. Department of Surgery, Radiology and Physical Medicine of the UPV-EHU. Leioa (Bizkaia) February 8, 2011.

• Presentation of the Doctoral Thesis on February 26, 2016, whose title is: POSTOPERATORY ANALGESIA THROUGH INFUSION OF LOCAL ANESTHETIC THROUGH AN INTERFASCIAL CATHETER IN LAPAROSCOPIC COLORECTAL SURGERY, registered in the Department of Surgery and Radiology and Physical Medicine of the UPV-EHU. Leioa (Bizkaia), obtaining the grade of Outstanding Cum Laude.