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Media Planning II27166

Faculty of Social and Communication Sciences
Doble Grado en Periodismo y en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied computer-based groups1421

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

The mandatory subject of Media Planning II taught in the third year of the Degree in Advertising and Public Relations, in the second semester, focuses on the fact that an important part of advertising is based on communicating a creative message through the media. communication. You will study the creative message part in Applied Graphic Design.

But this communication must be planned, and to do so, it must be based on knowledge of the characteristics of the media as well as their contributions. We will see this second part of communication in this subject.

This subject will help us select the most appropriate media for disseminating the message.

Fundamental element to manage advertising campaigns from an advertiser or from a media agency.

You must master previous skills in the Excel spreadsheet and Power Point.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation

The specialization of students is sought in the routines and professional skills of planning and advertising and public relations media. It will simultaneously serve as a platform for the final degree project.

General Competencies:

G001 - Acquire knowledge and understand the meaning and relevance of theories, concepts and methodologies in the context of the (inter)disciplinary field of communication and especially advertising and public relations techniques.

G003 - Synthesize, develop and apply new creative approaches to solving communication problems.

G004 - Analyze, interpret, explain and critically evaluate facts, social processes, texts and communicative projects.

G006 - Develop skills and abilities related to participation, management and optimization of teamwork, applying informed criteria to decision making and evaluation of results.

G007 - Apply skills and use techniques, technologies and resources to the development of content and processes of advertising communication and public relations and information in general.

G008 - Project and design strategies aimed at identifying objectives and planning actions, in the context of the development of advertising and public relations projects.

G009 - Acquire knowledge and experience of professional environments and routines in order to get closer to the reality of the work of the different professional profiles in the field of advertising and public relations that the market demands.

G010 - Search, select, prioritize and analyze information and documentation in different sources, adapting its content to different forms and narrative strategies.

Transversal Competencies:

CT1 - Autonomy and self-regulation.

CT7 - Critical thinking.

CT8 - Teamwork.

Specific Competencies:

C3CC01 - Understand and critically evaluate the ideas, concepts, theories and strategies of advertising and public relations to communication management, in the context of the processes of economic and communicative globalization.

C3CC02 - Design, analyze and develop media plans, applying informed criteria to the resolution of advertising communication and PR communication problems.

C3CC05 - Apply market research methodologies and tools to the team development of advertising communication and PR projects.

Learning outcomes:

That the student theoretically masters how to prepare a media plan, strategically and technically. To do this, the information and action phases will be developed and analyzed, as well as the different stages or steps that comprise them. In short, the objective pursued is that at the end

During the course, the student is able to propose and develop an optimal media plan. Based on the different phases on which a Media Plan is based (Theory), develop a specific Media Plan (Practice).

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation


1. Review of Planning I concepts.

2. The Media Plan.

• Concept.

• Phases.

• Information Phase.

• Action Phase.

3. Information Phase.

• 1st step.

• Briefing and analysis of background information.

4. Action Phase.

• 2nd Step.

• Definition of objectives.

5. Action Phase.

• 3rd Step.

• Media Selection.

6. Action Phase.

• 4th Step.

• Recommendation of campaign activity periods.

7. Action Phase.

• 5th Step.

• Support Selection.

8. Action Phase.

• 6th Step.

• Campaign and Optical Report.

• Strategy and tactics.

• Preparation of the Insertion Calendar.

• Plan Budget.

• Pre-evaluation of results.

9. Action Phase.

• 7th Step.

• Campaign Purchase Management.

• Negotiation with the Media.

• Execution of Orders.

10. Action Phase.

• 8th Step.

• Monitoring of the campaign.

• Control of execution of purchase orders.

11. Action Phase.

• 9th Step.

• Campaign Closing Report.

• Summary of Incidents.

• Final quantitative measurement (Post-evaluation).

• Measurement of quali-quanti campaign effectiveness.


Single work for the entire semester of developing a Media Plan following all the phases of the Theory. To do this, a specific advertiser and product will be selected.

MethodologyToggle Navigation

Master Class: presentation of theory accompanied by practical cases.

Practical Classes: In group work develop a media plan following all the phases seen in the theory. The work must be presented.

Mandatory attendance at practical classes. Roll will be called.

This single work will be delivered in phases.

All requested partial deliveries must be delivered and the practice approved.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Multiple-Choice Test (%): 30
    • Oral defense (%): 20
    • Team projects (problem solving, project design)) (%): 50

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

In accordance with art. 8.3 of the Regulatory Regulations for Student Evaluation, students who wish to abandon continuous evaluation and join the final test must submit in writing to the teaching staff responsible for the subject the renunciation of continuous evaluation within the first nine weeks from the beginning. of the semester, that is, before November 9, 2024 (or March 22, 2025 in the case of second semester subjects).

Continuous assessment:

Practical exercise throughout the semester: Value of 50%.

The presentation of the work will have a value of 20%.

The exam will have a value of 30%.

The practice carried out throughout the course will be continuous evaluation and the result obtained in the May call will be maintained for the extraordinary call.

Final evaluation:

On the day designated for the test, the established practice will be delivered and an exam will be taken.

In accordance with art. 12.2 of the Regulatory Regulations for Student Evaluation, students may withdraw from the call within a period of one month before the end date of the teaching period, that is, before November 9 (or on March 22 in the second quarter). The resignation must be submitted in writing to the teaching staff responsible for the subject.

In the case of students taking the final test, it will be enough to not appear for the test set on the official date of evaluation tests.

This evaluation system will be applied both in person and remotely, if the situation requires it.

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

In extraordinary calls, the same system used in cases of final evaluation in ordinary calls will be used. In addition to completing the individual test, 1 mandatory practical work must be submitted to prove knowledge of these activities.

This evaluation system will be applied both in person and remotely, if the situation requires it.

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

Computer, with Excel-type calculation programs and Power Point presentations.

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

GONZALEZ LOBO, M.A. y Carrero LOPEZ, E. (1997), Manual de planificación de medios, Madrid, ESIC.

In-depth bibliography

GONZALEZ LOBO, M.A (1994) Curso de Publicidad, Madrid, Eresma & Celeste.
PERLADO LAMO de ESPINOSA, Marta (2006), Planificación de medios de comunicación de masas, Madrid, McGraw-Hill.
SÁNCHEZ FRANCO, M.J (1999), Eficacia publicitaria. Teoría y práctica, Madrid, McGraw-Hill.
TORZÓN, Esther, y MOORE, Jeri (edits) (1996) Integrated Communication: Synergy of Persuasive Voices, New Yersey,
Lawrence Erlbaum.
GONZALEZ LOBO, M.A (1994) Curso de Publicidad, Madrid, Eresma & Celeste.
PERLADO LAMO de ESPINOSA, Marta (2006), Planificación de medios de comunicación de masas, Madrid, McGraw-Hill.
SÁNCHEZ FRANCO, M.J (1999), Eficacia publicitaria. Teoría y práctica, Madrid, McGraw-Hill.
TORZÓN, Esther, y MOORE, Jeri (edits) (1996) Integrated Communication: Synergy of Persuasive Voices, New Yersey,
Lawrence Erlbaum.



Web addresses


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