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Teaching staff

Maria Candelas Cabanillas Gonzalez

Knowledge area
Translation and Interpretation
English, German and Translation and Interpretation Studies
Faculty of Arts
Electronic mail

Candelas Cabanillas holds a Degree in English Studies from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), an MSc in Translation and Conference Interpreting from the University of Heriot-Watt (UK) and a PhD in Audiovisual Translation. Her doctoral thesis analyses the dubbing and redubbing of films in terms of divergences in the representation of characters and identities as well as disparities regarding linguistic and cultural aspects.

She has been a lecturer in the Degree in Translation and Interpreting since 2002, where she teaches various subjects related to different modalities of conference interpreting, such as consecutive and simultaneous. She is a member of the teaching staff of the Master in Language Acquisition in Multilingual Settings (LAMS). She has also been the coordinator for the Interpreting teaching staff and is currently ViceDean for Internships, Multiligualism and Language Assistantship at the Faculty of Arts.

She is a member of the TRALIMA/ITZULIK Consolidated Research Group, devoted to the study of translation in literature and audiovisual media, and of the MINECO Project IDENTITRA, concerned with the translation of identities. Her research interests include audiovisual translation in general and redubs in particular, as well as the translation of identity, ethnicity, and of culture-bound elements in general.