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Language C II: Russian25478

Faculty of Arts
Bachelor's Degree in Translation & Interpreting
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied computer-based groups6090

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

Second stage in the introduction to the Russian language, finishing level A1 (èlementarnyj uroven'), more oriented to grammatical contents and extension of the basic vocabulary, as well as to the consolidation of Russian phonetics. Continuation with basic nominal, pronominal and adjective declension, and special emphasis on the morphology and use of verbs.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation

-A01LR01: read and write in the Cyrillic alphabet in its Russian variant orally and in writing (reading and writing).

-A01LR02: listening comprehension: recognize the phonemes of the Russian language in simple spoken strings, as well as the basic vocabulary, nominal and verbal morphology and word order in simple spoken statements.

-A01LR03: reading comprehension: recognize in a passive way (read) basic vocabulary, nominal and verbal morphology and word order.

-A01LR04: oral expression: reproduce orally the phonemes of the Russian language in simple spoken statements, as well as the basic vocabulary, nominal and verbal morphology and word order in these spoken strings.

-A01LR05: written expression: actively produce (write) basic vocabulary, nominal, verbal morphology and word order.

Associated skills of the degree:

-G002: correct use of at least two foreign languages.

-G006: Knowledge of diversity and multiculturalism.

-G008: Autonomous learning, capacity of analysis and synthesis and application of knowledge to practice.

-G009: Ability to solve communication problems (retrieve, evaluate and transmit information).

Associated skills of the module:

-M01CM02: be able to express one's ideas in a fluent way both orally and writing in a second language.

-M01CM03: be able to understand the main ideas of complex texts in a second language.

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation

Topic 7. Motion verbs idti and exat'. Relative sentences. Cardinal numerals 101-1000.

Topic 8. Verbs of motions xodit' and ezdit'. Past tense verb conjugation. Ordinal numerals 1-10. Internet, cities and countries.

Topic 9. Genitive of nouns. Ordinal numerals 11-30. Russia.

Topic 10. Introduction to verbal aspect. Expression of time and duration of actions in the past tense. Actions.

Topic 11. Aspect in the future tense. Instrumental case. The family.

Topic 12. The dative case. Direct and indirect style. Wishes and compliments.

MethodologyToggle Navigation

The main purpose of the Russian language module is to provide students with the grammatical and lexical rudiments necessary for the practice of direct written translation from the Russian language. Russian language classes are developed on the basis of the four classical skills (oral and written comprehension, oral and written expression), giving more weight to those that serve the main objective mentioned above. The classes are taught in the target language and linguistic practice is developed both in small groups and collectively, as well as in the resolution of doubts arising from reading the manual and performing exercises at home on an individual basis.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Written test to be taken (%): 90
    • Individual works (%): 10

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

- The type of evaluation will depend on the teaching scenario:

(A) in case of normal classroom teaching, as indicated above, 90% of the grade will correspond to a final written exam, while exercises and assignments requested for class will be evaluated as 10% of the final grade.

(B) in case of distance teaching (total or partial), a short oral test will be added, which will count for 20% of the final grade but must be passed in order to pass the course. This oral test will not measure the competence of oral expression in Russian, but it will be a verification that the student has the minimum knowledge from the exercises and works carried out during the course. In this scenario, therefore, the evaluation percentages are as follows: 70% final written exam, 20% oral test (passing required), 10% class work.

- The grade “Not presented” will be given automatically and by default (as long as the student does not express in writing his/her preference for the grade “Fail”) whenever the student does not attend the final exam.

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

The type of evaluation will depend on the teaching scenario:

(A) in case of normal classroom teaching, there will be a final test comprising 100% of the final grade. This test will consist of the verification of oral and written comprehension and written expression, and will take place in a limited time on the day of the exam.

(B) in case of distance learning (total or partial), a short oral test will be added, which will count for 20% of the final grade but must be passed in order to pass the course. This oral test will not measure the competence of oral expression in Russian, but it will be a verification that the student has the minimum knowledge from the exercises and works carried out during the course. In this scenario, therefore, the evaluation percentages are as follows: 80% final written exam, 20% oral test (passing it is mandatory).

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

В. Г. Костомаров (ред.), Русский язык для всех, Москва, Русский язык, 1986 y ediciones siguientes.
Туровер, Г. Я. & J. Nogueira 2000 Большой русско-испанский словарь. Русский язык.

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

В. Г. Костомаров (ред.), Русский язык для всех, Москва, Русский язык, 1986 y ediciones siguientes.

VV.AA. VV.AA. Ruso para hispanohablantes. Nivel 1. Barcelona: Herder, 2004

L. Miller, L. Politova. Жили-были. Базовый уровень. San Petersburgo: Zlatoust, 2003

S.Javrónina, A.Shirochénskaya, El ruso en ejercicios, Madrid, Rubiños-1860, 1997.

М. Р. Аксенова et al., Русский язык по-новому (I-III), Москва, Златоуст, 2000.

In-depth bibliography

- V. G. Kostomarov (red.), Russkij jazyk dlja vsex, Moskva, Russkij Jazyk, 1986 y ediciones siguientes.
- VV.AA. VV.AA. Ruso para hispanohablantes. Nivel 1. Barcelona: Herder, 2004.
- L. Miller, L. Politova. Zhili-byli. Bazovyj uroven'. San Petersburgo: Zlatoust, 2003.
- M. R. Aksenova et al., Russkij jazyk po-novomu (I-III), Moskva, Zlatoust, 2000.

Web addresses

A) Dictionaries:
1- www.diccionario.ru
2- Multitran: http://www.lexicool.com/diccionario_multitran_espanol_ruso.asp?IL=3
3- Portal Gramota: www.gramota.ru (diccionarios, servicio de consulta lingüística, noticias...)
4- Dal': www.vidahl.agava.ru
5- Ushakov: www.ushdict.narod.ru
6- Other dictionaries: www.slovari.ru, http://www.lebed.com/slovo.html

B) Online courses:
1- http://www.auburn.edu/~mitrege/russ-resources.html
2- http://www.practicerussian.com/
3- http://www.ruslang.com/learning_main.shtml
4- http://www.ruslang.com/learning_language.shtml
5- http://listen2russian.com/
6- http://www.word2word.com/coursead.html#russian

GroupsToggle Navigation

74 Applied computer-based groups-1 (Russian - Mañana)Show/hide subpages


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