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Teaching staff


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Internal Geodynamics
Faculty of Science and Technology
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After completion of university studies on Geology at the Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU), Pablo Puelles was granted with a competitive international grant by the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan for two years. This training period focused on the geochemistry, geochronology and geodynamic evolution of ultra-high pressure rocks and crystallized in a Master degree awarded by the Shimane University (Japan). The posterior achievement of a predoctoral grant by the Ministry of Education and Science of Spain supported investigation stays in various research centers. The obtained data constituted an important part of the PhD Thesis defended in the Department of Geodynamics in the UPV/EHU. During the posterior postdoctoral activity these results were published in scientific journals under the shelter of funds from research projects in which the applicant has taken active part as a researcher in a continuous fashion since 1997 up to now or as a Principal Investigator during the last fourteen years.

The recent research activity has been focused on the following areas of interest: (1) study of the principal tectonic features of rock units from deep domains of the continental crust and lithospheric mantle and (2) the geometrical and petrostructural (EBSD technique) characterization of those materials. This has permitted to gain insight into the deformation processes operative in deep realms and to clarify the role of ambient conditions on their activity.