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Course outline

Acquired skills

These are the main competences for which this degree will qualify you:

  • Acquiring basic knowledge of science and learning to use the results thereof, incorporating it into the social, economic, legal and ethical fields for the identification of environmental problems.
  • An ability to use information from different sources on a topic, applied so as to properly interpret it, draw significant conclusions and present them publicly.
  • Analysing, managing and conserving the physical environment and its associated resources in natural, more rural and urban settings and designing and developing territorial planning schemes and projects.
  • Assessing the environmental impact of projects, plans and programmes.
  • Designing and developing environmental education and communication campaigns, preparing teaching materials and giving environmental training courses.
  • Drawing up, implementing and maintaining environmental management systems in businesses and learning about, analysing and preventing environmental health risks.
  • Joining working teams engaged in specialist tasks including teaching and research in the field of the environment.
  • Learning about the techniques for the assessment, analysis, monitoring and treatment of environmental pollution.
  • Planning and developing environmental projects from a cross-disciplinary approach.
  • Trabajo en equipo: Intercambiar información, ideas y propuestas en un equipo de trabajo para lograr objetivos científicos y/o profesionales.
  • Transmitir información a un publico especializado o general, tanto por escrito como de forma oral, conforme a las reglas linguisticas vigentes, y con un nivel correspondiente a un/a titulado/a superior.