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Teaching staff


Knowledge area
Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering - Bilbao
Electronic mail

Industrial Engineer (Electrical specialty) in 1990 and Doctor Industrial Engineer in 1994 by the UPV / EHU. He has been Vice-Dean of the School of Engineering of Bilbao (2005-2017) and member of the Postgraduate Commission of the UPV / EHU (2013-2017).

Currently, he is responsible for the Master in 'Integration of Renewable Energies in the Electrical System' and member of the Academic Committee in the UPV / EHU of the Interuniversity Doctorate Program in 'Electric Power Systems'.

His teaching work is developed in the Department of Electrical Engineering, where he teaches the subjects Integration of Generation Technologies in the Electric System and Solar Generation. He is coauthor of several teaching books in the area of electrical engineering. It has the DOCENTIAZ accreditation (2014 and 2019) with an Excellent rating.

His research activity has been developed entirely in the area of electrical engineering where he has directed or participated in more than 30 projects and 20 research contracts. He is co-author of more than 30 articles in national and international journals (JCR) and more than 120 communications in national and international congresses. He has directed 9 Doctoral Theses. His research activity has been recognized with 4 years of research by CNEAI.

ORCID, ResearcherID: 0000-0002-4572-4112