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Teaching staff


Knowledge area
Applied Mathematics
Applied Mathematics
Faculty of Engineering - Bilbao
Electronic mail

Felipe Jiménez is an Industrial Engineer (1990) and a Doctor in Industrial Engineering (2000) from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) with a thesis in Analytical Geometry and Geometric Design. Professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics at the Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao since 1990, presently tenured, he has taught more than a dozen subjects with contents in linear algebra, complex variables, integral transforms, Fourier analysis, optimization, numerical methods, etc. He currently teaches Extension of Mathematics in Spanish and Extension of Numerical Methods in English. In 2003 he joined the interdisciplinary research group Applied Photonics Group, specializing in the development of numerical algorithms for the computational simulation of the propagation of light in passive and doped optical fibers. He has participated in research projects in applied photonics, in international conferences as author and speaker, co-directed a doubly awarded doctoral thesis, published numerous articles in high-impact international journals (www.orcid.org/0000-0003-1679-9163), and obtained four six-year research “sexenios”.