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Final Year Project27413

Faculty of Engineering - Bilbao
Bachelor's Degree In Industrial Organisation Engineering
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits
Para poder defender el TFG (Trabajo de Fin de Grado) debe tener superados todos los créditos del Grado
Para poder matricularse del TFG (Trabajo fin de Grado) debe tener superados todos los créditos del Grado.

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

The curriculum of the Bachelor Degree in Industrial Organization Engineering provides that, to achieve the Degree, a Final Project (hereinafter FP) must be done as an overall test that evaluates the accomplishment of the competences of the Degree.

The final project is an original exercise performed individually, and presented and defended before an university tribunal, consisting of a job in the field of the specific technologies of the Degree and of professional nature, which summarises and integrates the skills acquired in the teachings. This work will result in a written document or report of, at least, 40 pages (excluding annexes), which has a structure defined in the Regulations of the Final Project according to the type of FP. In the writing and presentation should take into account the specific indications of the supervisor (belonging to the Faculty of Engineering in Bilbao), the characteristics of the type of FP chosen, and the rules for its composition.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation

G1. Capacity for participation in the design, drafting and project development in the field of Industrial Organization Engineering.

G2. Capacity for management of the activities under the projects in the field of Industrial Organization Engineering.

G3. Knowledge in basic materials and technology that will enable them to learn new methods and theories,

and equip them with the versatility to adapt to new situations.

G4. Ability to solve problems with initiative, decision making, creativity, critical reasoning and communicate and transmit knowledge and skills in the field of Engineering in Industrial Organization.

G5. Knowledge to perform measurements, calculations, assessments, appraisals, surveys, studies, reports, work plans and similar tasks.

G6. Ability to handle specifications, regulations and mandatory standards.

G7. Ability to analyze and assess the social and environmental impact of technical solutions.

G8. Ability to apply the principles and methods of quality.

G9. Organization and planning capacity in the field of business, and other institutions and organizations.

G10. Ability to work in a multilingual and multidisciplinary environment.

G11. Knowledge, understanding and ability to apply the necessary legislation in the exercise of Engineering in Industrial Organization related activities.

The Regulations of Final Project presents the outline of the structure of the reports by type of FP, indicating how these competencies are addressed in each of the sections of the report.

Note: extended information in the Regulations of Final Project published on the website of the Faculty: http://www.ehu.es/es/web/ingeniaritza-bilbao/gradu-amaierako-lana

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation

In general, you can define the following broad categories and subcategories as FP:

1.- Projects:

FP.1.: Traditional development projects.

FP.2.: New realizations projects.

2.- Reports:

FP.3.: Technical studies relating to equipment, systems, methodologies, etc.

FP.4.: Analysis and resolution of practical cases.

In the FP.1. category, they are included those works similar to the former Final Degree Project of the Degree of Technical Engineering, with an appropriate scope to the ECTS assigned to the FP in the Degree.

In the FP.2. category, they are included the works similar to those taken into the researching projects, with an appropriate scope to the ECTS assigned to the FP in the Degree. The structure of the presentation document could be equated with the final project reports.

In the FP.3. category, they are included the technical design, monitoring or audit reports. The content of presentation document could be equated with the expert reports or audit, with an appropriate scope to the ECTS assigned to the FP in the Degree.

In the FP.4. category, they are included the technical solutions analysis reports, comparison of alternatives or resolution of specific cases, with an appropriate scope to the ECTS assigned to the FP in the Degree.

In all categories must include at least a timetable, details of regulations / legislation to consider and international bibliography references.

Note: extended information in the Regulations of Final Project published on the website of the Faculty: http://www.ehu.es/es/web/ingeniaritza-bilbao/gradu-amaierako-lana

MethodologyToggle Navigation

The teaching methodology for the FP is an autonomous and individual work directed by a supervisor. While the goal of the initial meetings is to establish the objectives, work plan and methodology of work, subsequent meetings intended to monitor the progress of the activity assisting decision making for achieving the objectives.

Once the supervisor considers the work completed, the student may make application for defense, which must include the signature of the supervisor. From that moment, personalized attention focuses on advice for making the presentation to defend before the university tribunal.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Final Assessment System

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

The student will have a total of 6 calls for public presentation and defense of the FP, with 2 calls at most in each academic year.

To choose the call for defense, it will be necessary to request the Secretariat of the Centre within the time limits and in one of the periods pertaining to the academic year in which the FP registration was made. If the defense is not requested in any of those periods, a waiver will be added to the student record.

Once the defense has been requested and within the time limits, 4 copies in digital format will be presented at the Secretariat of the Centre, made as established in the Publications Service. One of these copies shall be deposited in the library collections of the Faculty. If the FP documentation should not be delivered within the time limits, a waiver will be added to the student record.

The Tribunal of evaluation will consist of three people and one reserve, all belonging to the Faculty. Thus, it is stated that the three members of the Tribunal of evaluation are the supervisor of FP, who will act as president, a Professor of Engineering Projects, who will act as member, and a teacher in the same area of knowledge that the supervisor, who will act as secretary.

The presentation is public (unless it is a confidential FP) and will be held for a maximum time of 15 minutes, including questions, as follows:

* 10 minutes of oral, face and public presentation of the work developed by the student.

* 5 minutes of intervention of members of the Tribunal of evaluation, requesting additions and clarifications of the aspects they deem appropriate.

To assess competencies and skills acquired by the student will be assessed:

* The scientific and technical work performed, including quality monitoring of its evolution and the tools used, with a weighting of 65% of the final grade.

* Report written, with a weighting of 25% of the final grade.

* The oral presentation is weighted with 10% of the final grade.

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

Once the defense has been requested and within the time limits, 4 copies in digital format will be presented at the Secretariat of the Centre, made as established in the Publications Service. One of these copies shall be deposited in the library collections of the Faculty. If the FP documentation should not be delivered within the time limits, a waiver will be added to the student record.

The Tribunal of evaluation will consist of three people and one reserve, all belonging to the Faculty. Thus, it is stated that the three members of the Tribunal of evaluation are the supervisor of FP, who will act as president, a Professor of Engineering Projects, who will act as member, and a teacher in the same area of knowledge that the supervisor, who will act as secretary.

The presentation is public (unless it is a confidential FP) and will be held for a maximum time of 15 minutes, including questions, as follows:

* 10 minutes of oral, face and public presentation of the work developed by the student.

* 5 minutes of intervention of members of the Tribunal of evaluation, requesting additions and clarifications of the aspects they deem appropriate.

To assess competencies and skills acquired by the student will be assessed:

* The scientific and technical work performed, including quality monitoring of its evolution and the tools used, with a weighting of 65% of the final grade.

* Report written, with a weighting of 25% of the final grade.

* The oral presentation is weighted with 10% of the final grade.

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

Regulations of Final Project published on the website of the Faculty: http://www.ehu.es/es/web/ingeniaritza-bilbao/gradu-amaierako-lana

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

Basic Bibliography on the specific technologies involved in the FP.

In-depth bibliography

Specialized Bibliography on the specific technologies involved in the FP.


Magazines related to the specific technologies involved in the FP.

Web addresses

Web sites related to the specific technologies involved in the FP.