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Epigraphy and Numismatics25713

Faculty of Arts
Bachelor's Degree In History
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied classroom-based groups2030

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

Epigraphy and Numismatics is a mandatory subject in the third year of the History Degree, within the module MO6 (Methodology of Historical Studies). It is related to two other subjects in the degree: Ancient History II: Rome, from the Republic to the Empire, in the module M02, General History, and The Iberian Peninsula in Antiquity, in the module M04, Complementary Training. Epigraphy and numismatics are fundamental sources for both, and in this subject, we will work, especially, on some inscriptions studied in them. Indeed, it is necessary to know the History of Rome to place in its historical context the information that these sources provide us.

Likewise, Epigraphy and Numismatics is also related to the subject in the module M06 Latin for Historians; this provides students with the resources to work and, above all, translate texts.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation


-LO1: Identify the types of inscriptions based on the support and the text.

-LO2: Read, transcribe according to epigraphic rules and translate Latin inscription texts.

-LO3: Analyse and historically interpret epigraphic documents in their historical context.

-LO4: Correctly use the technical vocabulary of the discipline.

M06CM05: To use ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) as tools to access, process and organise information sources.


-LO1: Be familiar with the various online databases available.

-LO2: Be capable of using educational resources on the various subject-specific websites.

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation

1.Historiographical Sciences and Techniques: Epigraphy, Numismatics, Paleography.

2.Inscriptions and coins as fundamental sources for Ancient History: Collections, corpora, manuals, and introductions. The methodology of analysis in Epigraphy and Numismatics

3.Typology of inscriptions: Stelae, arae, blocks, plaques, tabulae, rock inscriptions, legal epigraphy, graffiti.

4.Invention and use of currency: Non-monetary objects used as measures of value. Coinage. Monetary laws. The evolution of currency in ancient times: from Greece to the medieval period.


This is the basic syllabus. The development of the topics will be adjusted throughout the course.

MethodologyToggle Navigation

The theoretical explanations will be complemented with practical exercises (transcription, translation, and commentary of inscriptions and coins), emphasizing the basic elements of the syllabus and considering the progressive nature of learning the course content.

Special attention will be given to the acquisition and learning of technical vocabulary.

Individual tutorials will be provided to guide and monitor the learning process. The practical component will require prior preparatory work by student, in accordance with the materials and guidelines provided by the instructor.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Continuous Assessment System
  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Written test to be taken (%): 60
    • Realization of Practical Work (exercises, cases or problems) (%): 40

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation


Evaluation Instruments:

A.1. Practical exercises with ongoing evaluation throughout the course (epigraphic cards, readings...).

Percentage of the final grade: 40%

A.2. Written examinations on theoretical and practical contents covered during the course.

Tasks include reading, transcription, translation and commentary of inscriptions. Percentage of the final grade: 60%

To pass the course, it is mandatory to obtain at least 50% of the marks in both the practical exercises (A.1.) and the written examinations (A.2).


Evaluation method:

B.Written examination on theoretical and practical content taught covered during the course.

Tasks include reading, transcription, translation and commentary of inscriptions. Percentage of the final mark: 100%.

According to the regulations on student assessment, published in the BOPV, students will have the right to be evaluated through the final assessment system. Article 8.3. Assessment Systems (BOPV 13.03.2017) states: "In any case, students have the right to be evaluated through the final evaluation system, regardless of whether or not they have participated in the continuous evaluation system. To do this, students must submit a written request to the instructor responsible for the course, renouncing continuous evaluation. This must be done within 9 weeks for quadrimester courses and 18 weeks for annual courses, counting from the start of the quadrimester or course respectively, according to the academic calendar of the institution. The course guide may establish a longer period."

According to the degree management regulations, students do not need to formally opt out of the final examination. It is sufficient not to attend the final examination.

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

Written examination on theoretical and practical content taught covered during the course.

Tasks include reading, transcription, translation and commentary of inscriptions. Percentage of the final mark: 100%.

According to the degree management regulations, students do not need to formally opt out of the final examination. It is sufficient not to attend the final examination.

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

Materials provided by the teacher trough the e-Gela virtual platform.

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

ALVAR EZQUERRA, A., 2019, Siste, viator: la epigrafía en la antigua Roma, Alcalá de Henares.

BELTRÁN, A., 1983, La moneda. Una introducción al estudio de la numismática, Madrid.

CÉBEILLAC-GERVASONI, M., CALDELLI. M. L., ZEVI, F., 2006, Épigraphie latine, Paris.

CORBIER, M., 2004, Epigrafía Latina, Granada.

CRAWFORD, M. H., 1982, La moneta in Grecia e a Roma, Bari.

CRAWFORD, 1986. "Numismática". En Crawford, M. (ed.), Fuentes para el estudio de la Historia Antigua (M. Ed.). Madrid. pp. 197-247.

DUCREY, P. (ed.), 1989, Epigraphie et Informatique, Lausanne.

GORDON, A.E., 1983, Illustrated Introduction to Latin Epigraphy, Berkeley.

GUARDUCCI, M., 1967-78, Epigrafía greca, Roma, (4 vols.).

IGLESIAS GIL, J.M. y SANTOS YANGUAS, J., 2011, Vademecum para la epigrafía y numismática latinas, Santander.

LASSERE, J. M., 2005, Manuel d’épigraphie romaine, 2 vol. París.

MILLAR, F., 1986, "Epigrafía". En Crawford, M. (ed.), Fuentes para el estudio de la Historia Antigua, Madrid, pp. 93-148.

In-depth bibliography

BRACESSI, L., 1981, Epigrafia e storiografia, Nápoles.
BRUUN, CH., EDMONDSON, J. (ed.), 2015, The Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy, Oxford.
BUONOPANE, A.,2009, Manuale di epigrafia latina (Beni culturali 33), Roma.
DENTZER, J.M., GAUTHIER, Ph. et HACKEMS. T., (ed.), 1975, Numismatique antique. Problèmes et Métodes, Nancy-Louvain.
DI STEFANO MANZELLA, 1987, Mestiere di epigrafista. Guida alla schedatura del materiale epigrafico lapideo, Roma.
JOICE, S., GORDON, E., 1977, Contributions to the Paleography of Latin Inscriptions, Milán.
KRAAY, C., 1976, Archaic and Classical Greek Coins, London.
MATTINGLY, H., 1960, Roman Coins, London.
NICOLET-PIERRE, H., 2002, Numismatique grecque, Paris.
SELTMAN, C. T., 1954, Greek Coins, London.
SUTHERLAND, C., 1974, Roman Coins, London.
VELÁZQUEZ SORIANO, I., 1989, Las pizarras visigodas: edición crítica y estudio, Murcia.


L'Année Épigraphique. París, 1888-.
Epigraphica. Rivista italiana di Epigrafia. Milán, 1939-.
Hispania Epigraphica. Archivo Epigráfico Hispánico, Universidad Complutense. Madrid, 1989-.
Numisma. Zaragoza, 1951-.
Numismatist, American Numismatic Asociation, Colorado, 1893-.
Veleia. Instituto de Ciencias de la Antigüedad. UPV/EHU. Vitoria-Gasteiz. 1984-. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, Bonn, 1971-.

Web addresses

- CENTRO CIL II (HISPANIA). https://centrocil.web.uah.es
- EPIGRAPHIA 3D. http://www.epigraphia3d.es
- EPIGRAPHISCHE DATENBANK CLAUSS-SLABY (Universidad de Frankfurt). It contains the inscriptions from L’Année Épigraphique and some other corpus. Approximately 80,000 texts. http://www.manfredclauss.de
- EPIGRAPHISCHE DATENBANK HEIDELBERG (EDH): Database of Latin inscriptions from all regions of the Roman Empire. https://edh.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/home?lang=en
- HISPANIA EPIGRAPHICA. http://eda-bea.es
- PETRAE (Institut Ausonius, U. Bordeaux). https://petrae.huma-num.fr/fr
- UBI ERAT LUPA: European project that gathers information on epigraphy and archaeology. http://ubi-erat-lupa.org
- WEB DE MANUEL RAMÍREZ: Teaching resources on palaeography, diplomatics, epigraphy, numismatics, history of writing, and written culture. Excellent materials for practical exercises. http://www.manuelramirez.es

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