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Peace Culture 25955

Faculty of Labour Relations and Social Work. Álava Department
Bachelor's Degree in Social Work
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied classroom-based groups11.2517

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation


The Culture of Peace course is part of the Minor in "Intervention and Transformation of Conflicts" (module 05 of the Degree in Social Work), is taken as an elective in the third year of the degree and consists of 4.5 ECTS credits. Within the minor it is one of the most theoretical and philosophical subjects. It seeks to develop the most abstract, critical-analytical and creative competences that allow social workers to analyze complex situations, create solutions that go beyond established frameworks, and critically develop concepts and theoretical frameworks that allow overcoming a socio-cultural situation or conflict.

The course contributes to the graduation profile as it fosters the "knowledge of the different phenomena, realities and social problems, capable of analyzing and diagnosing problem situations" and the "ability to design, implement and evaluate projects, programs, plans and social policies, thereby contributing to social inclusion, the development of quality of life and social well-being ”(Degree Plan, p. 13).

The Culture of Peace is a discipline and area of ​​study and research that arises from the need to avoid and prevent war and violence through its cultural roots; paraphrasing the preamble to the UN constitution: "since wars are born in the minds of human beings, it is in the minds of human beings that the bulwarks of peace must be erected". This course develops a critical analysis of the concepts of peace and violence, their relationship with human nature, culture and the political and social structure, from a philosophical perspective and oriented to social work. The following will be analyzed: human aggressiveness and its educational and social development, the criteria for a rigorous definition of the concept of peace, the various types of violence and its socio-cultural forms, the relationship of the concept of peace with the concepts of justice and legitimacy, and a critical study of the movements for peace, disarmament and nonviolence will be developed, together with the new forms of social organization based on the cyberculture of peace (community, open, free, transparent, participatory and cooperative).

The bulk of the evaluation of this subject (80%) consists of the preparation of a short essay on a subject of free choice from among thirty proposed by the teacher. Reflective and critical ability, argumentation and contextualization will be valued, as well as the adequate presentation of texts (both in content and format) and relational, conceptual and theoretical creativity. Cooperative tasks such as peer review (% 20) will also be rated. The methodology alternates master classes with group dynamics (role-playing, brainstorming, group discussions, etc.) and critical analysis of texts (academic articles, programmatic, institutional documents, etc.) and videos (documentaries, interviews , news, etc.).

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation

-Introducción antropológica: el ser humano como animal simbólico y lingüístico

-Historia del concepto de paz.

-Tres dimensiones de la paz: la social, la ecológica y la interior.

-Los conflictos y la violencia cultural.

-El problema de la interpretación: diálogo y tolerancia.

-Género, paz y discurso.

-El diálogo entre religiones.

-La construcción de la paz como proceso (diCOMPETENCES:

C08: Develop critical-reflective, communicative, relational, teamwork and network capacities, as well as professional ethics, essential to assume commitments of promotion, organization, accompaniment and involvement in processes of social and citizen participation. [M05CM08: G004, G007, G010]

C09: Prepare reports and transmit ideas on any subject in the professional field of social work, clearly and consistently, to both a specialized and non-specialized audience, making use of the language skills required in each case. [M05CM09: G010]

C07: Carry out an analysis and critical interpretation of the different situations of social exclusion and marginalization, in which the definitions, evaluations and reasoning of the people or groups involved acquire relevance. [M05CM07: G001, G002]mensión temporal e infraestructura).

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation

The basic syllabus of the subject is approved and specified by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA), consisting of the following specific syllabus:


1. Anthropological introduction: the human being as a symbolic and linguistic animal [DU 2 and 3]

2. History of the concept of peace. [DU 4]

3. Three dimensions of peace: social, ecological and internal. [DU 3]

4. Conflicts and cultural violence. [DU 4, 5 and 8]

5. The problem of interpretation: dialogue and tolerance. [DU 4 and 5]

6. Gender, peace and speech. [DU 4 and 6]

7. The dialogue between religions. [DU 4]

8. The construction of peace as a process (temporal dimension and infrastructure). [DU 3, 5, 7 and 9]


0. Introduction to theoretical research methods and essay writing

1. Introduction to the culture of peace

2. Education for Peace

3. Systemic foundations for peace: Autonomy and dynamic balance at biological, psychological and social scales

4. Defining violence, defining peace: cultures, symbols and stories of peace

5. Critical analysis of the peace / violence binomial at the structural and cultural level

6. Civil disobedience, antimilitarism, movements for peace, disarmament and active nonviolence

7. Micropolitics, Assembly Membership and Collective Empowerment: Towards a Bottom-Up Culture of Peace

8. Cyberculture of Peace: technopolitics, commons and free culture

9. Peace after a war conflict: Reparation, Reconciliation and Resolution.

MethodologyToggle Navigation

The methodology of the subject will combine master classes with group dynamics (puzzle, role-playing, brainstorming, group discussions, etc.) and sharing of readings and materials as well as mechanisms and devices for mutual support and collaboration in the research and learning, promoting autonomous and cooperative learning / research. Students are expected to carry out research, reading, reflection and systematization of the knowledge developed in class, together with the critical analysis of the texts proposed in class, as well as those they consider appropriate for the conduct of their essay.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Continuous Assessment System
  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Oral defense (%): 10
    • Individual works (%): 60
    • Team projects (problem solving, project design)) (%): 20
    • Exhibition of works, readings ... (%): 10

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

During the development of the didactic units, periodic self-evaluations will be carried out that will allow the students to self-direct and regulate their learning process. A number of qualifying projects and learning devices are also offered as detailed below. The final face-to-face test (exam) is NOT the ideal form of evaluation, although it is a mandatory and inevitable formal requirement for those who have not come to class, since students have the right to the final evaluation without requesting it previously.

For those who can come to class and undertake training and learning based on research and critical reflection in this course, the development of a philosophical essay, the review of two essays and the possibility of doing extra work to improve the grade are proposed. . Thus, the essay will contribute up to 6 points (out of 10) of the final grade, being an essential requirement to pass the essay to pass the course. Another 40% of the mark will be covered with the mark of the revision of the drafts of two other essays (one point for each revision maximum), group dynamics and expositions in class.

Thus, the maximum of 10 marks can be reached in two ways:

Exam = 100%

Essay (60%) + presentations + dynamics + peer correction = 100%

Students who have started a continuous assessment process may renounce it and take the final assessment. For this you must notify the teacher within a minimum period of 9 weeks from the start date of the course.

Students will have the right to waive the ordinary call for evaluation. For this, it will be enough to not deliver the final essay or not to take the substitute test of continuous evaluation.


Essay: It will evaluate the competences C08, C09, C07, C10 based on the reflective and critical capacity, of argumentation and contextualization as well as the adequate presentation of texts (both in content and format) and relational, conceptual and theoretical creativity.

Peer review: Evaluate skills C08 and C09 based on the ability to understand and evaluate reports and reasoning structures.


The qualification of the essay will follow the following criteria:

to. Understanding of the fundamental concepts of the Culture of Peace and its relationship with conflict resolution and social work.

b. Reflective, critical and relational capacity of the contents of the subject.

c. Presentation structured and adequate in its terminology and content, expressing its arguments clearly and assertively.

d. Adequacy to the formal requirements of an essay: template, bibliography and references, abstract, etc.

The evaluation criteria of the final written test (or exam) are:

to. Understanding of the fundamental concepts of the Culture of Peace and its relationship with conflict resolution and social work.

b. Reflective, critical and relational capacity of the contents of the subject.

c. Presentation structured and adequate in its terminology and content, expressing its arguments clearly and assertively.

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

For extraordinary calls, students can choose to deliver the essay (in which case, provided they have passed, the marks of the continuous assessment activities they score will be kept) or sit for the exam.

In the event that due to force majeure (pandemics, etc.) or due to various circumstances, the exam cannot be carried out or it is not convenient to do so, the teacher may order that the non-continuous assessment be made through the delivery of assignments. (eg the essay).

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

UNESCO. (1999). Declaración y Programa de Acción sobre una Cultura de Paz. Tomado de: http://www.unesco.org/pv_obj_cache/pv_obj_id_6F70A33601FBEEF2A4518892FC55656D69850000/filename/sun-cofp.pdf
Galtung, J. (2004). Violencia, guerra y su impacto. Sobre los efectos visibles e invisibles de la violencia. Polylog: Foro para filosofía intercultural, 5. Tomado de:
Muñoz, F. A. (2004). La Paz. En M. R. Beatriz & F. A. Muñoz (Eds.), Manual de paz y conflictos (pp. 23–41). Universidad de Granada. Tomado de: http://www.ugr.es/~eirene/publicaciones/manual/La%20Paz.pdf
Muñoz, F. A., & Molina Rueda, B. (2010). Una Cultura de Paz compleja y conflictiva. La búsqueda de equilibrios dinámicos. Revista de Paz y Conflictos, (3), 44–61.

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

Beatriz, M. R., & A, M. M., Francisco (Eds.). (2004). Manual de paz y conflictos. Universidad de Granada. http://www.ugr.es/~eirene/publicaciones/eirene_manual.html

Bourdieu, P. (1997). Razones Prácticas: Sobre la Teoría de la Acción. Anagrama. http://epistemh.pbworks.com/f/9.%2BBourdieu%2BRazones%2BPr%C3%A1cticas.pdf

Buey, F. F., Mir García, J., & Prat Carvajal, E. (Eds.). (2010). Filosofía de la PAZ. Icaria.

Clastres, P. (1978). La sociedad contra el estado. Monte Avila Editores. Retrieved from http://www.kclibertaria.comyr.com/lpdf/l214.pdf

Fernández, A. (1994) Educando para la paz. Nuevas propuestas. Granada: Universidad de Granada,

Fisas, V., & Armengol, V. F. (1998). Cultura de Paz y Gestión de Conflictos. Icaria Editorial.

Galtung, J. (1999). Tras la Violencia, 3R: Reconstrucción, Reconciliación, Resolución: Afrontando Los Efectos Visibles e Invisibles de la Guerra y la Violencia. Bakeaz.

Galtung, J. (2003). Paz por medios pacíficos: Paz y conflicto, desarrollo y civilización. Bakeaz.

Gandhi, M. (2008). Autobiografía: Historia de mis experiencias con la verdad. Grupal Logistica y Distribucion. Tomado de http://www.pensarenvozalta.org/documentos/gandhi_autobiografia.pdf

Guzmán, V. M. (2001). Filosofía para hacer las paces. Icaria.

Lederach, J. P. (2000). El Abece de la Paz y Los Conflictos: Educacion Para la Paz. Los Libros de la Catarata.

Lederach, J.P. (1998). Construyendo la paz. Reconciliación sostenible en sociedades divididas. Bilbao: Bakeaz/Gernika Gogoratuz.

Lessig, L. (2005). Por una cultura libre: Cómo los grandes grupos de comunicación utilizan la tecnología y la ley para clausurar la cultura y controlar la creatividad. Traficantes de Sueños.

López Martínez, M. (2004). Enciclopedia de paz y conflictos (Vols. 1-2). Universidad de Granada.

Movimiento Objeción de Conciencia. (2002). En legítima desobediencia: tres décadas de objeción, insumisión y antimilitarismo. Traficantes de Sueños: http://www.antimilitaristas.org/IMG/pdf/LIBRO.pdf

Muller, Jean Marie. (1995) Gandhi: la sabiduría de la no violencia. Desclée de Brouver.

Muñoz, F. A. M., & Carmona, J. B. (2011). Los habitus de la paz: Teorías y prácticas de la paz imperfecta. Editorial Universidad de Granada.

Padilla, M. (2012). El Kit de la Lucha en Internet. Madrid: Traficantes de Sueños. Tomado de http://www.traficantes.net/index.php/content/download/31164/291295/file/lem05_kit_de_internet_web.pdf

Panikkar, R. (1993). Paz y Desarme Cultural. Editorial SAL TERRAE.

UNESCO. (1999). Declaración y Programa de Acción sobre una Cultura de Paz.

Žižek, S. (2009). Sobre la violencia: Seis reflexiones marginales. Editorial Paidós.

In-depth bibliography

Bourdieu, P. (1997). Razones Prácticas: Sobre la Teoría de la Acción. Anagrama. http://epistemh.pbworks.com/f/9.%2BBourdieu%2BRazones%2BPr%C3%A1cticas.pdf
Clastres, P. (1978). La sociedad contra el estado. Monte Avila Editores. Retrieved from http://www.kclibertaria.comyr.com/lpdf/l214.pdf
Gandhi, M. (2008). Autobiografía: Historia de mis experiencias con la verdad. Grupal Logistica y Distribucion. Tomado de http://www.pensarenvozalta.org/documentos/gandhi_autobiografia.pdf
Movimiento Objeción de Conciencia. (2002). En legítima desobediencia: tres décadas de objeción, insumisión y antimilitarismo. Traficantes de Sueños: http://www.antimilitaristas.org/IMG/pdf/LIBRO.pdf
Muller, Jean Marie. (1995) Gandhi: la sabiduría de la no violencia. Desclée de Brouver.
Padilla, M. (2012). El Kit de la Lucha en Internet. Madrid: Traficantes de Sueños. Tomado de http://www.traficantes.net/index.php/content/download/31164/291295/file/lem05_kit_de_internet_web.pdf
Panikkar, R. (1993). Paz y Desarme Cultural. Editorial SAL TERRAE.
¿i¿ek, S. (2009). Sobre la violencia: Seis reflexiones marginales. Editorial Paidós.


Revista de Paz y Conflictos: http://revistaseug.ugr.es/index.php/revpaz
Journal of Peace Research: http://jpr.sagepub.com/
Journal for the Study of Peace and Conflict: http://www.uwsp.edu/cols-ap/WIPCS/Pages/journal.aspx
Peace Conflict Development. An interdisciplinary Journal. http://www.bradford.ac.uk/ssis/peace-conflict-and-development/
Cultura de Paz: http://www.revistasnicaragua.net.ni/index.php/culturadepaz

Web addresses


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12:45-13:30 (1)

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